Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Republican Party of Orange County - Who Makes It Tick and Why

The Orange County Republican Party, or OCGOP, is organized and defined by its Central Committee.  The Central Committee is made up of members elected by voters who represent party members.  Anyone who fills out a voter registration card has an opportunity to choose a political party affiliation or they can "Decline To State" any affiliation. 

The Central Committee elects committee members to positions of leadership.  Currently, the OCGOP Central Committee is lead by the following:
Chairman: Scott Baugh
First Vice-Chairman: Fred Whitaker
Second Vice-Chairman: Marcia Gilchrist
Secretary: Mary Young
Treasurer: Mark Bucher
Assistant Treasurer: Hon. Anna Bryson
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jack Anderson
Parliamentarian: Hon. Kermit Marsh
Every two years Republican voters in the 72nd Assembly District, which includes all of Fullerton, have an opportunity to choose new leadership.  Current 72AD Central Committee representatives include the following:
Marilyn Davenport
Patricia Shuff
Zonya Townsend
Richard Rios
Stan Interrante
Bruce Whitaker

There are also ex-officio members who have a certain standing within the party.  Our State Assemblyman, Chris Norby, is one such member. 

Each Central Committee member has a single vote which is used to direct party policy.  For example, the Central Committee had to vote on the current Principles:
Inalienable Rights: We believe that man's "rights" flow from the Creator and the rights of life, liberty and justice cannot be legitimately granted or rescinded by men.
Self-Government: We believe that the only answer to the current moral decline that our nation now faces is a return to the beliefs and standards of morality which our founding fathers placed into the Constitution. We believe with the framers of that document when President Adams stated, "This Constitution will not work except with a religious people." We understand that the concept of self-government begins with governing one’s self first, then family, community, state, and nation.
Education: We believe in the rights of parents to a quality education for their children. We support parental choice to create competition among the schools. We must insure that no school or teachers union can compromise the education of our children or advance a particular political agenda at the expense of our future generation’s educations.
Taxes: We believe that the federal tax system is abusive to the American people while discouraging investment and growth. We believe in growth-oriented tax policies which would gradually eliminate punitive income taxes and move our tax system in the direction of use taxes and sales taxes only.
Free Enterprise: We believe in the free enterprise system as the best hope for men and women to fulfill their economic hopes and dreams. We know that the free market is the most efficient and the least costly system to deliver the highest quality goods and services at the lowest price to the consumer. We will support only those who support the free enterprise system through legislation to reduce or eliminate intrusive government intervention in the marketplace.
Family: We believe that the traditional American family, defined as any persons related by blood, marriage of a man and a woman and/or adoption, is the cornerstone of our American society, and the government is duty bound to protect the integrity of the family unit through legislation and taxation policies.
Sanctity of Life: We believe that the preborn child is a human being deserving the full protection of the law.
National Defense: We believe in a strong and consistent national defense. We believe in victory over, and not accommodation with, tyranny in any form or philosophy.
Right to Bear Arms: We believe in the unqualified right of our citizens to keep and bear arms without the intrusive hand of government.
Victims’ Rights: We believe in the concept of victims’ rights over the rights of any criminal. We support a system of restitution as a deterrent to crime and recidivism.
Term Limitation: We believe that public service is a privilege. We support term limits for public officials, not as an ideal but as a necessity to dissuade career politicians. It is the people who should rule, not an elite with little accountability.
National Sovereignty: We believe in an America first program in which Government’s first concern is the welfare and protection of the American people. We do not believe in trade protectionism but support political leaders who will adopt policies that create fair and competitive trade.
Decentralized Government: We believe in the power of the individual over the power of the state. We believe that only small government truly serves the needs of the people.

If you agree with most of these Principles, but perhaps not all of them, you may want to consider getting involved with the Central Committee.  Or you may want to lobby a member and persuade them to believe your view to be superior to that of the party. 

Many "conservatives" feel that issues such as family and sanctity of life are personal and should not be tossed into the arena of partisan politics.  If you are of that opinion, you may want to get involved to change the party's direction.  Or you may want to consider registering with the Libertarian Party.  Despite its name, the Libertarian Party is conservative on fiscal matters but liberal on social matters.  Most Libertarians believe government has no right to govern within the walls of the home.  Most Republicans would agree however they might also not want the government dictating social policies within the classrooms. 

The Fullerton Sentinel is purely Republican in that we believe the Principles of the Republican Party of Orange County best reflect the best qualities of Fullerton residents. 

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