Saturday, December 11, 2010

‘Glee’ causes anger and depression

By Ally Bordas
For the Daily Titan (re-posted here without permission)
Published: December 07, 2010 Glee is the worst sitcom ever created. Why anyone in their right mind would waste one hour every week watching this show is beyond me. Glee makes me want to lash out.

Our media has become infiltrated with idiotic individuals scrambling to keep the masses of our nation entertained, since we desperately cling to all things new and improved with the potential to take the world by storm.

The fact that this show has exploded and made everyone a part of it an instant superstar is seriously disturbing. I am begging, pleading, with citizens, non-citizens and aliens alike to band together and overthrow FOX for airing this sort of rubbish.

Unite or be forced to watch people in their late 20s dressing like high schoolers and singing songs when in fact they are butchering all that is great about music!

Glee was inspired by high school drama, sex and choir. FOX aired the pilot episode in 2009. Since then, it has completely blown up into a social phenomenon.

The show has been nominated for 19 Emmy awards, four Golden Globes, six Satellite Awards and 57other awards.

Is this what the youth of America, nay, all of America has become consumed by? Slutty girls and bad choir performances? I like my brain! I like knowledge! And hardcore cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester, played by Jane Lynch, is legitimately torturing every fiber of my being.

The writers of this show, who I now have a personal vendetta against, are Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchulk ad Ian Brennan.

These writers missed the target from day one. For example, let’s dissect the word glee; the first part, beginning with “g-l” automatically makes me think of gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. Which makes sense, seeing as the majority of America is an over-indulgent nation, enjoying shows such as Two and a Half Men, Trueblood and of course, Glee.

The second part of the word, ‘e-e’, makes me think of e.e. cummings, the sappy love poet. Glee is the cheesiest show ever with the most horrendous plotline, so e.e. cummings fits into this equation perfectly.

Put the word back together and you have Glee: over-indulgent people pretending to feel the most unrealistic level of happiness that no one in this economy will ever attain.

Let’s take a look at the show from a different perspective, like if Glee is a realistic portrayal of high school: haha don’t make me laugh, hell no it is not a realistic portrayal! Wake up to the injustice they are serving our mindless youth!

Glee is completely opposite of what real high school is like. Ian Brennan conceptualized the show based off his own high school experiences when he was in choir. What high school did he go to? Prick-town high?

Ladies and Gentlemen: This is not high school. Do not be so easily fooled. Where is the acne? Where are the braces, the high-pitched male voices that have yet to crack, the mismatched clothing, the battered lockers and all the other terrible plagues we all had to face in high school? They are missing because this is not high school. This show is a bad acid trip.

I felt like if I was going to write an article about Glee, I had better watch at least one episode. So for the sake of researching, I endured 45 minutes of torture in the form of the Glee episode entitled “Special Education.”

As expected, it was terrible. At least I got to watch the first 10 minutes sans singing. When the singing did kick in though, it hit with full force. In an apocalyptic way.

I still cannot believe they sang a song from the classic movie Dirty Dancing and did the famous dance, that is a terrible way to pay thanks to the late Patrick Swayze. And they sang a song by Florence and the Machine… so depressing.

In the end, not only was the acting heinous, the singing was just as unbearable. During the dialogue sessions, one character dropped the word hipsters, another couple went through a cheating scandal, every click just seemed to love each other and all the hidden advice this episode tried to give was so fake. I almost hurled.

I hope I persuaded the world against Glee. If you would like additional information on why NOT to watch Glee, check out Kroq’s Gleecap by DJ Omar Khan. Funniest segment on radio.

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