Sunday, December 12, 2010

OC Register Editorial: Climate confab just hot air


Representatives of 193 nations meeting in Cancun, Mexico, apparently still couldn't agree on how to redistribute richer nations' wealth to poorer nations under the pretense of combating global warming. As delegates leave Cancun today, we're pleased to note that, like last year's failed U.N.-sponsored climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, this global warming summit amounted to little more than two weeks of hot air.

Meanwhile, reality continues cooling global warming fever. Top NASA experts reported existing climate computer models exaggerate CO2's warming effects, and fail to properly account for important cooling that will kick in as CO2 levels rise, according to a recently published study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. If correct, CO2 could double in the atmosphere, and "we can go a couple of centuries without any dangerous warming," one UK environmental columnist noted.

One researcher said in a NASA statement accompanying the paper, "Each year we get better and better. It's important to get these things right." We repeatedly point out that it's a good idea to "get these things right" before redistributing wealth to remedy what may not be a problem.

Coinciding with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change meeting, a list was released by, a leading global warming debunking site, identifying more than 1,000 dissenting scientists around the world who challenge the theory of a manmade global warming catastrophe. Dissenters include current and former IPCC scientists. It's become more difficult for global warming zealots to quiet critics, many of whom once held similar views.

"Despite what you may have heard in the media, there is nothing like a consensus of scientific opinion that this is a problem," said Tom Tripp, a member of the IPCC since 2004 and one of its lead authors.

Meanwhile, the outlook for alarmists may yet get bleaker. The House Science and Technology Committee is expected next year to probe the Obama administration's climate policies, including what Rep. Ralph Hall, R-Texas, described as a "dishonest undercurrent" revealed with the leak of thousands of documents in 2009 from British and U.S. climate researchers.

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