Wednesday, December 15, 2010

OC Register: Recount of Fullerton council race cancelled

(re-posted here without permission)

FULLERTON – Doug Chaffee has called off the recount he requested for the Fullerton City Council four-year term race, the Orange County Registrar of Voters announced Tuesday.

Nearly 2,200 ballots had been counted in the first two days before Chaffee asked to end the recount, according to the announcement. The original results will stand, leaving former police chief Patrick McKinley as the second-place winner. Don Bankhead had held a clear majority all along.

McKinley took the oath of office on Dec. 7 along with Bankhead and Bruce Whitaker, who was elected to a two-year term left open when Shawn Nelson was elected to the county Board of Supervisors earlier this year.

According to the official election results, McKinley received 10,346 votes to Chaffee's 10,256.


Commentary from the Sentinel

The Fullerton Sentinel

It is sad and unfortunate that Fullerton voters chose Pat McKinley and Doug Chaffee at nearly the same rate.  However, this was to be expected considering that both are fiscal liberals who are quite content to raise taxes. 

The 2012 election cycle will be starting up in just a few months and conservatives will have an opportunity to replace two liberal council members, F. Richard "Dick" Jones and Sharon Quirk-Silva. 

Jones, a registered Republican, and Quirk-Silva, a registered Democrat, are both fiscal liberals.  However, Quirk-Silva has voted NO on more expenditures than Jones, making her more conservative than the self-avowed conservative Jones.

Take time to know the candidates and then support them by volunteering your time and money.

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