Tuesday, December 14, 2010

City of Fullerton To End Furlough Fridays

City of Fullerton Public Information Office
303 W. Commonwealth, Fullerton, CA 92832
Phone: (714) 738-6317

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     PRESS RELEASE #28710

Subject :          City to end Friday furloughs
Contact :         Gretchen Beatty, Director, Fullerton Human Resources Department (714) 738-6360
                        Sylvia Palmer Mudrick, Public Information Coordinator, Fullerton City Manager’s Office (714) 738-6317

Beginning Friday, Jan. 14, Fullerton city government facilities will return to their schedule of being open on alternate Fridays.

The every Friday closures were implemented in May by the Fullerton City Council in response to contracts with the miscellaneous employee bargaining units that included 5 percent pay cuts retroactive to the beginning of the 2009 payroll year.

The city’s executive managers’ salaries have been cut by 5 percent as of July 2009, and the confidential employees’ have had their salaries cut by 5 percent since November 2009.  The pay cuts will remain in place for all units.

With the end of the Friday closures, City facilities will return to being closed every other Friday as part of the city’s efforts to meet AQMD trip reduction requirements. 

The new operational hours actually go into effect Saturday, Dec. 25;  however, because of the holidays, the first open Friday will be Jan. 14.
The Fullerton Main and Hunt Branch libraries will remain on their current hours until the end of the 2010-11 fiscal year. 
The Fullerton Main Library's operating hours are 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, and 1-5 p.m. Sunday.
Hunt Branch hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesdays and noon-8 p.m. Thursdays only.
Further information may be obtained by calling the Fullerton Public Information Office at (714) 738-6317.

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