Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Call for action at Cal State Fullerton

On behalf of the editorial staff of the Fullerton Sentinel, we would like to offer our support for higher education. Many of our contributors are teachers and students who understand the challenges before you because we are living through them.

The Fullerton Sentinel does not support the Declaration to Defend Public education because, among other reasons, it does not hold anyone accountable.

That said, please consider the following message from the Fullerton Sentinel to the CSUF students at tonight's rally:

California State University at Fullerton has been mismanaged for decades. Now in the midst of an economic depression we see the results of poor financial planning and what it is like to live hand to mouth.

Whether it is the faculty early retirement program which causes a significant burden on the coffers or poor leadership from the president, CSUF students are at the epicenter of a major institutional shakeup.

Each of you are the hope of tomorrow. You are the leaders of tomorrow but your state needs you today. It is time to learn about the CSU budget. Its time to learn about CSU funding. Its time for you to take all of your knowledge and ambition to do fix this broken university system.

Declarations do not change state or university budgets. Pounding your fists will not stop the incessant waste of your tuition to pay for "conferences" for administrators. You must root out and embarrass the university's leadership to affect meaningful and lasting change. You must become smarter than they are and a PhD will not grant you the common sense you will need to wage a battle over budgetary policies.

The Fullerton Sentinel extends to ALL CSU students an opportunity for insightful change instead of blind change.

Only one question remains, who among you has the fortitude and character to lead the charge of higher education?

Show us that leader.

The Fullerton Sentinel

The Trojan

The Trojan

The Fullerton Sentinel would like to welcome The Trojan. 

The Trojan is a noteworthy and experienced writer and political pundit with a background in finance and accounting.  The Trojan has been involved in U.S., California, and Southern California partisan politics for many years. 

Recently, The Trojan was spotted at several Fullerton hot-spots and has even had a run-in with the local PD. 

We look forward to reading the Trojan's articles....


The Fullerton Sentinel

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Walter Myers III: Davenport should be afforded a measure of grace

Walter Myers, III

Here we go again. Republican Party Central Committee member Marilyn Davenport, of the 72nd Assembly District, recently sent an email to a select group of people with an image depicting President Obama’s face superimposed on a child ape in a “family portrait,” consisting of father, mother, and son apes. The caption underneath reads: “Now you know why -- No birth certificate!” Party Chairman Scott Baugh rightly and firmly spoke out against this email in an article published in the Orange County Register. The story itself includes a screenshot from Channel 2 News coverage, and the O.C. Weekly ran the story as well. So there is much wrangling over this incident, and in my capacity as the incoming Chairman of the OC Republican Party American Dream Outreach Committee (pending official committee approval), I would like to speak out on this matter. But first let’s put some context around this incident.
In the Register article, there was mention that this was the “third charge of racism among Orange County's conservative-leaning political class in recent history.” The first was in 2003, and the second in 2009. So this is hardly a regular occurrence, and in each case the offender, who acted alone and on their own accord, either resigned or was voted out of office. The 2009 case was regarding then Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose. Grose sent an email from his personal account, with an image depicting a watermelon patch in front of the White House, to some family members as well as a black woman, Keyanus Price, with whom Dean had worked on a committee. After talking with Dean about this a few months back, it became clear to me that Dean meant no harm in sending what was intended to be a bit of good-natured ethnic humor, which he deeply regretted later. If his intent was to send a racist message, then it would make absolutely no sense to send this to a black woman. Yet Price demonstrated a complete lack of grace and goodwill towards someone who obviously held her in high regard and simply wanted to share a laugh. Was this an appropriate action for an elected official? It was not well-advised, but any construal of racist intent in this case, in my view, is tenuous at best, and wholly cynical at worst. We have come too far in race relations to have an image such as this divide us.

Now the picture that Davenport sent, I think, is of a completely different kind, because there is a clear historical view of blacks being seen as little more than apes who were less evolved than whites. It was the naturalist Charles Darwin, author of the iconic book The Origin of Species that established the concept of the evolution of species, who later hypothesized in his book The Descent of Man (published in 1871) that the “civilized races” would one day exterminate and replace the savage races of the world (and yes, I suffered through read both books). In this book he ascribed the same evolutionary status to Negroes, Australians (Aborigines), and gorillas. This book was cited for many years as providing the scientific basis for racism, culminating in the eugenics movement, which was highly popular in the early decades of the 20th century. Notable eugenicists include Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, and the most extreme of them all, Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany. So hopefully this provides clear context as to why the image Davenport sent might be considered highly offensive.

It is not my belief that Davenport’s intention was to make a racist statement, as I know some of the people she sent the email very well, and none have given me any reason to believe they are racists. Moreover, I am not the type of person who is always on the watch for racists because I look at overall character, and if someone is indeed a racist or has some other undesirable trait, it will eventually display itself in their actions in some manner. However, I do believe that Davenport demonstrated an incredible lapse in judgment by forwarding an email with such a disrespectful and hurtful image, and it is simply inexcusable that she would not know how incredibly offensive that image was. If I were in the same position, not only would I have deleted it immediately, but I would have also become suspect of the person who sent it and asked them explicitly to never send an email of that type to me again, lest our friendship end at that moment. There is simply no place for this type of image (particularly for conservatives), whether in private or public, regardless of what one believes about Obama’s place of birth or policies (and I say this as someone who abhors most of his policies). There was a line that Davenport crossed, and as an elected official there is no defense for her crossing this line, even if unintentional. Nonetheless, whereas Dean Grose was afforded no measure of grace and forgiveness, my suggestion is that since Davenport has apologized for sending this email, which was sent in a private capacity with no party involvement, she be afforded a measure of grace that was unfortunately denied to Dean.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Politically Correct Gone Too Far?

Now you know why no birth certificate.
 By now just about everyone has seen this picture. 

A few GOP insiders who have a political beef with Marilyn Davenport because she represents the 72nd Assembly District (1 of 6) on the OC Republican Party's Central Committee and has been a staunch supporter of anyone willing to buck Ackerman, Schroeder, Fleischman, and Baugh have taken what would normally have been a nothing-email and turned it into a media circus.

Over the weekend it was reported to the Sentinel that it was the Ackerman, Schroeder, and Fleischman trio who leaked the email to R. Scott Moxley at 

You may recall that it was this same group which sought the audio/video recordings that lead to the resignation of former 72nd Assemblyman, Mike Duvall.  Later that year, former State Senator Dick Ackerman's wife Linda Ackerman (a carpetbagger who was living in Irvine despite falsified voter registration documents) ran for the seat against then-County Supervisor Chris Norby.  Norby beat Ackerman by a huge 2-1 margin.  The Norby-Ackerman animosity dates back to the days when both men were on the Fullerton City Council. 

As Sentinel friend Tim Whitacre has stated, Davenport is a kind woman.

The Fullerton Sentinel understands that some hypersensitive individuals might be offended by the image above.  Just for you we have assembled some images sent to us by Orange County Republicans who think the image is fair political free speech.

Al Gore
Cruz Bustamante (or Bust-a-monkey)
Dick Chaney
Pres. Bush
Dick Chaney
John Kerry
Pres. Bush

Pres. Bush

Jesse Jackson & Donald Rumsfeld
Davenport told the Sentinel that she will not be resigning despite OCGOP  Chairman Baugh's crying.  A KABC News video shows a clown-like Baugh succumbing to the realization that he has no authority to remove a duly elected Central Committee member. 

And in case you didn't get enough...

Now that the hypersensitive visitors are livid and pounding their fists, maybe they will go and leave the rest of us to laugh it off.  For decades political satire has equated political leadership to monkey business.  Indeed it is.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gay History 101 (SB 48)

California State Senator Mark Leno authored and pushed SB 48, will mandate sexual orientation in history classes.

"Calling all sexual deviants!"

According to, "Existing law requires instruction in social sciences to include a study of the role and contributions of both men and women to the development of California and the United States.

"This bill would require instruction in social sciences to also include a study of the role and contributions of Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, European Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, persons with disabilities, and other ethnic and cultural groups, to the development of California and the United States."

What's wrong with this picture? 

Leno says on his website:
“LGBT people should not be pushed into the closest when it comes to what students learn about history. Educating youth about the contributions of LGBT Californians and our state’s rich diversity will help foster true acceptance of LGBT students and will ultimately create a safe school environment for all students.”

Leno and his Senatorial supporters (Alquist, Calderon, Corbett, De León, DeSaulnier, Evans, Hancock, Hernandez, Kehoe, Lieu, Liu, Lowenthal, Negrete, McLeod, Padilla, Pavley, Price, Rubio, Simitian, Steinberg, Vargas, Wright, and Yee) want your son and daughter to ACCEPT bisexual activities as NORMAL!  They want your child to be COMFORTABLE and ACCEPTING of men who have their penises removed and artificial vaginas created.  These senators want to force your children to APPRECIATE and EMBRACE sexual deviance! 

Shame on each and every one of these senators for their destruction of family values and undermining moral parenting.   

School day for politically correct sexual propaganda

The Orange County Register:
Gay students, allies staying silent today  (portion of original OCR article)

Hundreds of students across Orange County will remain silent all day at school Friday to protest anti-gay bullying on their campus, part of the 15th annual nationwide Day of Silence.


Meanwhile, a Sacramento-based pro-family group is encouraging parents statewide to protest the Day of Silence by keeping their kids home from school Friday. said in a statement that the Day of Silence was gratuitous "in-your-face sexual indoctrination" and that school administrators were implicitly condoning behaviors that "disrupt the school day for politically correct sexual propaganda."

"Because school districts are allowing this brainwashing during the entire school day, morally sensitive parents are counter-protesting by removing both their child and the child's ADA (Average Daily Attendance) funding on Friday," President Randy Thomasson said in a statement.

An official from the county Department of Education said school administrators in Orange County were trained to handle events like the Day of Silence in a sensitive and appropriate manner, and urged parents not to keep their kids home.

"Every day is important in a child's education – what we should not condone is staying home from school," said Daria Waetjen, a director of leadership and learning support for the Orange County Department of Education. "Our schools are well-trained in cultural proficiency issues, and I have confidence they will handle the issues in schools appropriately."

Waetjen said the Day of Silence is relatively low key because it involves complete silence by participants, and no Orange County schools have reported problems in past years.

"It's like any freedom of speech – the expectation is that education will continue and all students will attend all of their classes." Waetjen said.

The Fullerton Sentinel wants to know what cultural proficiency issues are and how it/they relate to a child's sexual orientation?   According to the Center for Culturally Proficient Practice, "Cultural Proficiency is an approach that helps organizations to respond in healthy ways to diversity. Culturally proficient policies and practices enable organizations to become inclusive in the way clients, employees, and the community are served."  Sexual deviance is not a culture.  Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate") are the collective values a person is raised with and normalizing sexual deviance does not constitute a culture, just a dysfunctional group unable to have normal sexual relationships with their natural partners of the opposite sex. 
"It's going to have a huge impact," said Dorsey, 17, noting that the Gay-Straight Alliance club at Saddleback High has only about five members. "When you get that many people involved, the entire school is going to know by the end of the day what's going on and why it was happening."


The Fullerton Sentinel wants to know what educational benefit will be produced by condoning a child's sexual desires?  It is unclear if ANY of the students have non-heterosexual tendencies and even less clear if condoning and supporting sexual deviation is healthy for 13- and 14-year old children.

The Fullerton Sentinel urges parents to contact school board members to end ALL non-academic clubs from public schools. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two Important Meetings for Fullerton Residents and Business Owners to attend

Below is an email I received from Greg Sebourn urging your help.

First, the Water Rate Study will be held at the City Yard (1580 W. Commonwealth Ave.) at 6:30PM tonight and at City Hall tomorrow morning (4/13/2011) at 7:30AM at City Hall.

Please attend the meeting, hear what City Hall has to say and be ready to offer up solutions that do not include doubling our water bill.

You can find the City’s budget at:

You can find the DRAFT Water Rate Study Report at:

Second, the Planning Department needs your help. I will share my personal feelings about this at a later date but until then, please help. If you don’t pitch in and speak up, imagine who will…

Here is the text of the message from City Hall to YOU:
Community Partners:
The City of Fullerton is inviting residents, property owners, business owners and community groups to help select a consultant for the Downtown Core and Corridors Specific Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report. The goal of the Downtown Core and Corridors project is to develop a vision and plan to guide the future development of the City’s downtown and its major entry corridors, or streets. By creating detailed standards that are aligned with the community-based vision, the design and review process for future projects will be improved as there will be more clarity and direction for the parties involved.

Selecting the right consultant for this project is extremely important, and the City has intentionally created a process where members of the community will be involved in the decision.

In January 2011, the City of Fullerton released a Request for Qualifications for the Downtown Core and Corridors Specific Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report. Twenty consultant teams responded and submitted Statements of Qualifications. On March 30, 2011, an Evaluation Committee (consisting of 10 members of the public appointed by the City Council and 7 City staff members) identified the top three consultant teams. These three consultant teams have been invited for interviews before the Evaluation Committee and the Fullerton community.

At the community interviews, members of the Fullerton community will have the opportunity to hear presentations from the three teams. They can also interact with the consultant teams and ask them questions. Community members will also have the opportunity to fill out evaluation score cards for each team. The score cards will be used by the Evaluation Committee to select the best consultant team for the project.
Details related to the Community Interviews are provided below:
Monday, April 25, 2011
4:00pm – 8:00pm
City of Fullerton Maintenance Services Building
1580 W. Commonwealth Avenue
Please participate in this important process and invite your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers do the same by forwarding this email to them. Together we can insure that the downtown and its entry corridors get the best consultant team for this important project.

For more information, please contact:

Heather Allen, Planning Manager: or 714.738.6884

Jason Jones, Project Manager: or 408-310-7881

Al Zelinka, Community Development Director: or 714.738.3347.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Burqa Ban Takes Effect

(AP-CBSNews)   PARIS - France's new ban on Islamic face veils was met with a burst of defiance Monday, as several women appeared veiled in front of Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral and two were detained for taking part in an unauthorized protest.

France on Monday became the world's first country to ban the veils anywhere in public, from outdoor marketplaces to the sidewalks and boutiques of the Champs-Elysees.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy set the wheels in motion for the ban nearly two years ago, saying the veils imprison women and contradict this secular nation's values of dignity and equality. The ban enjoyed wide public support when it was approved by parliament last year.

Though only a very small minority of France's at least 5 million Muslims wear the veil, many Muslims see the ban as a stigma against the country's No. 2 religion.

About a dozen people, including three women wearing niqab veils with just a slit for the eyes, staged a protest in front of Notre Dame on Monday, saying the ban is an affront to their freedom of expression and religion.

Much larger crowds of police, journalists and tourists filled the square.

One of the veiled women was seen taken away in a police van. A police officer on the site told The Associated Press that she was detained because the protest was not authorized and the woman refused to disperse when police asked her to. The officer was not authorized to be publicly named.

The Paris police administration said another woman was also detained for taking part in the unauthorized demonstration.

It was unclear whether the women were fined for wearing a veil. The law says veiled women risk a euro150 ($215) fine or special citizenship classes, though not jail.

People who force women to don a veil are subject to up to a year in prison and a euro30,000 fine ($43,000), and possibly twice that if the veiled person is a minor.

The law is worded to trip safely through legal minefields: The words "women," "Muslim" and "veil" are not even mentioned. The law says it is illegal to hide the face in the public space.

Moderate Muslim leaders in France and elsewhere agree that Islam does not require women to cover their faces, but many are uncomfortable with banning the veil. Religious leaders have denounced the measure, and are struggling with what to advise the faithful.

The plans for a ban prompted protests in Pakistan last year and warnings from al Qaeda. It also has devout Muslim tourists skittish, since it applies to visitors as well as French citizens.

Authorities estimate at most 2,000 women in France wear the outlawed veils. France's Muslims number at least 5 million, the largest such population in western Europe.

The ban affects women who wear the niqab, which has just a slit for the eyes, and the burqa, which has a mesh screen over the eyes.

Kenza Drider, who lives in Avignon and wears a niqab, calls the ban racist. She was planning to attend Monday's protest.

Right before the ban came into effect, she said she would continue to go "shopping, to the post office and to city hall if necessary. I will under no circumstance stop wearing my veil."

"If I am warned verbally and must appear before the local prosecutor.... I will appeal to the European Court of Human Rights," she told AP Television News.

The veil, for her, "is a submission to God," Drider said.

The ban had strong support from France's leading parties on left and right in a country that separated church and state with a 1905 law but has struggled in recent years to integrate a growing Muslim population.

Police on Saturday arrested 61 people — including 19 women — for attempting to hold an outlawed Paris protest against France's pending ban on face-covering Islamic veils.

Many Muslims have also felt stigmatized by a 2004 law that banned Islamic headscarves in classrooms.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Red County CEO in hot water with Securities and Exchange Commission

The SEC has filed suit against Red County CEO and repuglican blogger Chip Hanlon.  Among the many allegations in the suit is that Hanlon committed fraud and misrepresentation for his part in Delta Global Advisors' fraudulent SEC filings and website promotion. 

The Orange County Register's Jonathan Lansner posted the story via the Register's blog, Lansner on Real Estate- an odd place to post such a story.

It isn't much of a surprise for those in "the circle" although there are a lot of OC Republican investors who will be asking for a return on their investment. 

Lansner had this to say (from the OC Register):
In legal paperwork it released Thursday afternoon, the SEC charged Hanlon with, improperly filing as a registered investment advisor. The SEC wrote:
“From March 7, 2007 through July 6, 2008, Delta’s Form ADV filings improperly included the trusts’ assets as Delta’s advisory assets under management, even though Delta did not provide continuous and regular supervision of the trusts’ assets.”
… and …
“In four filings, Delta claimed to manage between $656 million and $1.49 billion, when in reality Delta’s assets under management dropped as low as $9 million during this period. For nearly every period reflected in Delta’s (financial advisor) filings, Delta did not have $25 million or more in advisory assets under management and therefore was not eligible for Commission registration.”
The SEC also charged that Hanlon did not disclose the shaky state of Delta Global, writing …
“Delta’s financial condition was seriously impaired in 2009 and 2010 because the firm had minimal liquid assets, overdue bills, and an unsatisfied court judgment in a breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit filed by one of Delta’s clients that ordered Delta and Hanlon to pay $353,706 in damages. Delta and Hanlon did not disclose Delta’s precarious financial condition to clients as required, nor did they disclose the court judgment or the fact that (broker regulator) FINRA had suspended Hanlon from acting in any registered capacity for failing to comply with arbitration award.”
SEC claims Hanlon used Delta’s website to also mislead the public, stating:
“Delta similarly misrepresented its assets under management through its website. Delta’s website included a section containing articles from Bloomberg, Reuters, and other news sources quoting Delta’s employees, including Hanlon. Many of these articles falsely stated that Delta had assets under management of $1 billion or more.”
No word yet if Hanlon plans to share a room with either convicted felons Bernie Madoff or Mike Carona. 

Hello, my name is Jessica