Sunday, March 27, 2011

Protect Free Speech

This just in from friends in Yorba Linda:

This Tuesday Night, March 29, at 6:30 PM.
Please plan to arrive early as 5:00PM.
Yorba Linda City Hall:  4845 Casa Loma in Yorba Linda
Protect Free Speech at the Yorba Linda  City Council Meeting!
CAIR is Using a Favorite Shariah-Mandated Tactic ― Intimidation
Their Targets: Elected Officials who speak out against terrorist sympathizer.

Come on out with your flags and respectful posters.  By that we mean poster such as:  "NO SHARIAH",  "FREE SPEECH", "NO TERRORISM", etc.

Mayor Nancy Rikel and Councilman John Anderson stood up for America and our 1st Amendment right of free speech.  Both came out to our protest and spoke on that February Sunday.  Now it is time for us to stand for them.  This coming Tuesday, March 29th at 6:30 PM the Yorba Linda City Council will meet.  The City Council Chambers are located at City Hall   4845 Casa Loma in Yorba Linda.  This is located just down from the community center past the park.  Plan to arrive by 5:30 PM if you can.

Several of us will be speaking as we did this week at the Villa Park Council Meeting.  These two courageous elected officials deserve support from all of us.  Come on out  with your flags and respectful posters.  By that I mean such as: "NO SHARIAH",  "FREE SPEECH", "NO TERRORISM", etc. 
If the militant Muslims show up as they did on Tuesday in Villa Park , please refrain from stooping to their level.  An intelligent dialogue is much more productive that the shouting and yelling which took place Tuesday.

Bring your cameras, bring your videocameras.

Let's be there to support Mayor Rikel and Councilman Anderson.

Hope to see you Tuesday!

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