Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Does Sexual Orientation Matter?

Does sexual orientation matter when it comes to significant historical events?  NO!

Does Alexander the Great's bi-sexual behavior have anything to do with his ability to kill or dominate the world?  Doubtful.  (although his early and untimely death may have been a result of his lack of self control)

So why are the over sexualized and completely intolerant LGBT groups trying to sell California legislators on the need to sexualize history for our children?  Why do they want your children to get cozy and comfortable knowing some of history's most prominent figures were sexually dysfunctional?  It makes no sense.

Whether or not a man will go to hell for sucking on the penis of another man is a matter for God to decide and should not be a matter for discussion in public K-12 classrooms, much less any connection between historic figures and their the sexual promiscuity. 

Below is a law being pushed through that will do all of the above and make sexual dysfunctions some perverted part of history to be taught to children in an attempt to normalize mental illness.  Read it and then act upon it.

Warm Regards,
The Fullerton Sentinel

(from Advocates for Faith and Freedom)
Senate Bill (SB) 48, which was written by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), would require that US history, California history, and social science curriculum in our schools deliberately include instruction on historical contributions from the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community.

Hanging on the coattails of “anti-bullying” measures, this bill once again forces personal sexuality into the instruction of our children, starting in elementary school.  Currently, the bill has passed the Senate Education Committee with a 6-3 vote.

The bill now moves to the Senate Judiciary Committee, and you need to make your voice heard on this matter!  Please contact your legislators today and tell them to vote “No” on SB 48!  Find your legislators here:

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