Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Institute on the Constitution

Come learn about the Supreme Law of the Land, our "U.S. Constitution". Learn  how its framers intended American government to function to guarantee our liberty as Americans.  This series will be presented in twelve 1.5 hour sessions on Thursday evenings promptly at 7:00 PM in North Orange County (April 14, 21, 28,May 12,19, 26, June 9, 16, 23, 30, July 14, 21) Includes a video featuring David Barton  from & class participation. Take advantage of this opportunity to become a better informed patriot and take America back!! 

The IOTC ( Institute on the Constitution) is twelve half-hour video lectures by Dr. John Eidsmoe, J.D., PhD* plus review questions and class discussion facilitated by Steve Jackson, who has been teaching the Constitution for 15 years. Students will receive a complete study syllabus and supplemental handouts. *John Eidsmoe, a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, holds degrees in theology, law, and political science.  He is a frequent lecturer and debater at colleges as well as churches and civic groups.  He is the author of 10 books including Christianity and the Constitution, God and Caesar, and Columbus and Cortez.   As a constitutional attorney, he has successfully litigated court cases involving First Amendment religious freedom and home schooling.

*****Sizzler Restaurant (Banquet room)
*****1401 North Harbor Bl./Brea Bl.
*****Fullerton 92835

Cost is $25 per family unit to cover duplication expenses made out to Steve Jackson on first day of class. Invite your friends & family members

For further information contact Zonya Townsend  or Steve Jackson at 714 775-3489

A study on Christianity and the Law of the land

How much do you know about the U.S. Constitution?
Your freedoms depend on your answer to that question.
Who wrote it? What worldview and religious beliefs did they have?
What is its purpose?  Does it grant me rights?  What about church-state issues?
What about church-state issues?
What is constitutional or unconstitutional?  Who says?
What about original intent?  Is the Constitution still relevant?  Is it broken?
Titles of the IOTC videos are as follows:
1. A Biblical View of History, Law and Government
2. The Religious Beliefs of the Founding Fathers
3. The Philosophical Worldview of the Founding Fathers (their 5-fold formula)
4. 1776-1789: From Independence to the Constitution
5. Overview of the Constitution: Preamble and Article I
6. Overview of the Constitution: Articles II and III
7. Overview of the Constitution: Articles IV-VII
8. Overview of the Constitution: First Amendment
9. The Foundations of American Government (David Barton video on religious freedom)
10. Overview of the Constitution: Amendments 2-27
11. The Crisis of the Constitution: From Biblical Absolutes to Revolutionary Humanism
12. Reclaiming the Constitution: A Victory Plan for Restoring Our Constitutional Heritage

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