Tuesday, March 1, 2011

91% Increase in Water Rates

(from Fullertontaxfighters.com)

This Tuesday night, March 1st 2011, the Fullerton City Council will direct staff on the implementation of a water rate study.

Based on the proposal from the City's consultant, the new rates will be increased by 10% for 5 years then 3.5% for another 5 years amounting to a 191% increase by 2021.

The reason for the tax hike is clear. The report says, "It should be noted that the planned spending on mainline replacement over the projection period is significantly more than the City has undertaken in the past. At a cost of approximately $190 per linear foot of line the City plans to replace approximately 6 miles of mainline per year at a cost of over 6 million per year.  At this pace it would take the City 400 years to replace the entire system (which consists of approximately 420 miles of pipe)."
at the Fullerton City Council Chambers
6:30 pm on Tuesday, March 1st, 2011.
303 W. Commonwealth
Fullerton, CA 92832

MFSG's proposal spells out how exactly we got into this mess in the first place. Unfortunately, this proposal and the implementation should have been undertaken decades ago. Oddly, the proposal notes that the City could just ignore the problem (like they have been doing for so many years).

"While the capital investments have a pronounced impact on rates the projects are vitally important to ensure the continued operation of the water system.  The City could keep rates low initially by not maintaining the system but would pay a significant price later as system failures spike due to a lack of system maintenance, which would then result in increased costs and ultimately the need for even higher rate increasesProactively managing of the water system through maintenance and capital investments allows the City to keep rates stable over time."

~Managing through maintenance and capital investment.~

That is a sentence that has been long missing from Fullerton. The City council has pushed tax bonds to provide low-income housing and park facilities while ignoring the streets, sewers, and water lines. And now Fullerton taxpayers must pay the high price of municipal mismanagement. Compounding our financial civic woes is that if the proposed rate hikes were approved, the City would have to borrow heavily through bonds to cover the actual costs of replacing the aging system. 

Join me at City Hall this Tuesday at 6:30PM to tell the Fullerton City Council that higher taxes won't fix decades of mismanagement and waste.  
Thank you,
Greg Sebourn
Husband, Father, Educator, Professional Land Surveyor, and Local Activist for Limited Government.


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