Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Even Rape Is Not Reason Enough to Murder an Unborn Child

After a 1929 rape, a reunion of mom and daughter

SAN CLEMENTE – For 77 years she kept it hidden inside.

Her secret.

Each May 22, Minka Disbrow silently wished a happy birthday to the baby girl she gave away in 1929. How is she, Disbrow wondered. Where is she? Who is she?

But there was no way of knowing. Not after what happened so long ago.

Back then, no one talked about sex. Or pregnancy. Or 16-year-old girls who were raped among the small dairy farms of South Dakota. So Disbrow bottled up her secret deep inside.

And kept it there.

Months turned into years. Years into decades. Until Disbrow woke up May 22, 2006, and after wishing happy birthday to her little girl, she prayed: Lord, if you would just let me see Betty Jane, I won't bother her, I promise. I just want to see her before I die.

Some might consider it a fool's prayer. Disbrow was 94. And her baby girl, if still alive, would be 77.

To meet would take a miracle.


She hauled water from a well. Used an outhouse for a toilet. Rode a horse-drawn sled to church in winter.

"At age 6, we had to pick mustard and potatoes in the field," says Disbrow, who also fed pigs and milked cows before walking to school. Chores increased after eighth grade.

High school is for city kids with nothing to do, said her stepdad, who kept Disbrow home to work.

You can imagine her delight to be invited to a picnic the summer of her 16th year. It was held at Scatterwood Lake with girls from a local sewing class.

Let's go for a walk, said her friend Elizabeth.

They meandered along the South Dakota lake – unaware of three men watching. Approaching.

The attack came fast. Its violence was foreign to a girl who still believed storks delivered babies.

"We couldn't go back and say we were raped," Disbrow says. "We were paralyzed. We never said anything."

She had no one to tell. No one to comfort her. No one to explain what happened. Nothing but cows that needed milking and milk that needed bottling and bottles that needed washing.

Nothing but chores.

"You just kept it all in your heart," she says.

Until her belly started to grow.


She was sent to the Lutheran Home for Girls in Sioux Falls, S.D.

"My mother and stepfather made up their minds, I was not to come home with a baby," says Disbrow.

It was there, someone finally explained what had happened and what would happen.

Betty Jane was born May 22, 1929, with a dimple on her chin and a good home waiting for her in Iowa.

"She was my darling," says Disbrow, who spent a month with her baby before being sent home.

Back on the farm, she milked cows each morning, worked in a slaughterhouse all day and faced more chores at night. Then, in the quiet of her room, she would write letters to the Lutheran home asking about her baby.

How is my Betty Jane? she wrote in one letter. Any word from her adoptive parents? I hope she's being a good girl.

Our holiday would be complete, she wrote in another, if we were to just get word about Betty Jane.

But of course, she couldn't.

And so the months turned into years. The years into decades. Until Disbrow woke up May 22, 2006, and prayed to see the little girl she gave away in 1929.

A fool's prayer?

Within days, a South Dakota court granted permission to a 77-year-old woman in Viroqua, Wis., to see some records she sought about her adoption.

It was at the Lutheran Home for Girls in Sioux Falls, S.D.

In 1929.


Disbrow's phone rang six weeks after her prayer.

Do you know anything about Betty Jane? a man asked. Or Sioux Falls?

"Yes," said Disbrow. "But who are you?"

I'm the son of your daughter, he said. Would you like to talk to your daughter? To Betty Jane?

"My knees buckled," recalls Disbrow.

She learned that her baby girl, now named Ruth Lee, was married and had six children – including astronaut Mark Lee who'd flown into space four times.

She also learned how her prayer was answered: Ruth recently had undergone heart surgery and thought it wise to find her birth mother's health records. Her search uncovered Disbrow's letters and, eventually, the fact that Disbrow was still alive.

"I got goose bumps all over my body," Ruth recalls. "I just didn't expect that."

Finally, after 77 years apart, mother and daughter would meet. And Disbrow's secret would come out.

"Oh my goodness," she fretted. "What are people going to think? My own family doesn't know."

Right away, she called a daughter in Portland, Ore., to explain. Her secret gushed out – as it did, a joy overtook the pain.

"I never heard her so excited," says Dianna Huhn, 65, of Portland, one of two children Disbrow had from her marriage to Eugene Disbrow. "And from that day on, I have never seen my mom so happy."

Disbrow's family, friends and church all embraced her story. Grown men cried when she described it at Heritage Christian Fellowship in San Clemente.

And when mother and daughter met?

"It was like we'd known each other all our lives," says Ruth Lee, now 82.

"It was like we never parted," says Disbrow, who recently told this story to friends at her 100th birthday party.

Immediately after, Disbrow prayed again. She thanked God. She forgave the man who raped her. And she wondered something about him for the first time:

"I wondered if he ever watched the space shuttle take off, not knowing that perhaps one of those he was watching was his grandson."

Contact the writer: 714-796-6979 or

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mark 16:15-20

15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. 20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bioethics Symposium at Biola University

Professional Pro Life Nurses Upholding Ethical Practices
Educating...Protecting Lives...Caring With Compassion...

2011 Symposium
"Bioethics Unlocked -
Information Vital To Your Life"

Saturday, November 5, 2011
8:00am - 5:00pm
Biola University
13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, CA 90639 (Crowell Building, Room #109)

Earn 6 Contact Hours
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nurses
Provider Number 14443

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pat McKinley's Incredulous and Insensitive Remarks

Fullerton Councilman and former Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley spoke to the Brea Soroptimist Club meeting about self-defense.  The YouTube video below documents a taste of this condescending elected official who thinks a woman's socio-economic status should dictate her worthiness of protection under the law. 

The councilman and former chief actually articulates that the woman Fullerton cop Albert Rincon assaulted were not like the women in the audience and were therefore less credible victims.

Shame on Pat McKinley and shame on the boobs who elected him. 

Thanks to the superstars at Friends for Fullerton's Future for making this public. 


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fullerton City Hall Epicenter Corruption

Fullerton management closely resembles the 1989 Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder film Hear See No Evil, Hear No Evil.

The Fullerton Association of Concerned Taxpayers (FACT) posted a video of Fullerton Council Member Bruce Whitaker talking about the lack of communication and transparency at City Hall.

Whitaker tells of lies, falsified reports, and stonewalling department heads.  Misinformation seems to be the order of the day.

What is it about our City Hall that attracts corruption?

For some reason, city staff seem to think they are in charge of Fullerton.

Long overdue, the City Council needs to begin systematically firing department heads beginning with City Manager Joe Felz. 

If the City Council boobs wont do it, let's show them the door.  A new City Council won't be so tolerant of corruption.

Fullerton Recall

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Bar in Downtown Fullerton

by Darryl Jones for the Fullerton Sentinel

As if the dozens of existing bars in Downtown Fullerton were not enough, yet another is poised to open.

Last night, the Fullerton Planning Commission unanimously gave the green light to the nightclub which is taking over the old Spadra Restaurant next to the Slidebar.  The owners plan to expand the patio and make minor interior changes.

The plans include having beer taps at several tables so that customers can pour their own drinks. 

In a town where some of our greatest expense and liability is the direct result of providing college students and dropouts with alcohol, it might be time to re-think City plans to continue this growing trend. 

City staff assert that the City has the resources to manage another watering hole.  With as many as ten Fullerton Police Officers taken off patrol in recent months for varying degrees of misconduct it is unclear just how the City will manage another 200 drunks in Downtown Fullerton. 

Good job Fullerton!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

GRAPHIC WARNING - Judge Kills Texas Sonogram Law

(AP) AUSTIN, Texas — A federal judge on Tuesday struck down key provision of Texas' new law requiring a doctor to perform a sonogram before an abortion, ruling that the measure violates the free speech rights of both doctors and patients.

The law — one of dozens of anti-abortion measures that advanced through state capitals across the United States this year — was set to take effect Thursday.

A New York-based reproductive rights group had sued to block the law.

U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks said in his ruling that requiring a doctor to show women images from the sonogram and the sounds of the fetal heartbeat violates the First Amendment rights of doctors.

The ruling also struck down a requirement that allows women to avoid seeing the sonogram images only if they sign a statement that they are pregnant because of sexual assault or incest. The state cannot compel a woman to disclose such private information that she may not even wish to tell police, Sparks ruled.

Sparks ruled such disclosure is an attempt by the state to "permanently brand women who choose to get an abortion."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Judge James Rogan Thursday August 25 in Fullerton

Invitation to hear Judge James Rogan share his memoirs, "Catching Our Flag: Behind the Scenes of a Presidential Impeachment."Join us at the Sizzler Restaurant for dinner at 6:15 PM.

(No cost for this event, self pay for dinner)

1401 North Harbor Blvd. Fullerton Ca 92835
Thursday, August 25th- Meeting 7 PM
Keynote Speaker: Judge James Rogan at 7:15 PM.
Bring your own pre-purchased books to be autographed (No books for sale at this event)
An opportunity to ask Judge Rogan questions in a comfortable environment.

***Please RSVP to Zonya Townsend via email or call 714 525-9441***

Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives wrote, "Jim paid the price of political defeat for insisting that elected officials uphold the Rule of Law. In loosing his race for re-election, Jim earned the respect of millions of Americans for his courage." During the mid-1990's Rogan kept copious notes during every significant meeting related to impeachment efforts of former President Clinton. Because of Rogan's background as a prosecutor and his reputation for respect among Republicans and Democrats, Rogan was selected to be one of the thirteen House managers in the historic impeachment trial. Come hear him share his contemporaneous notes and diaries, in which he recounts his experiences.

Many of the district's constituents opposed the impeachment of President Clinton. The Democrats made the defeat of Rogan a high priority in the Congressional race. Rogan's defeat in 2000, was then the most expensive House race in history.

Rogan is a judge of the Superior Court of California, a law professor, an author, and a former member of the United States House of Representatives. He was a Secretary of Commerce for intellectual Property, Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Calif. State Assembly Majority Leader, a judge of the California Municipal Court, a gang leader prosecutor with the L.A. County District Attorney's office and a civil litigator in private law practice.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

SB 48 in a Nutshell

SB 48 will teach children as young as five to not only accept but also endorse transgenderism, bisexuality, and homosexuality through our social sciences curriculum including history, history books and instructional materials. The media and others call SB 48 the "Gay History Bill," however, SB 48 goes even further. The bill casts a wide-reaching net that includes all social sciences like economics, government, and cultural and social anthropology.

Furthermore, SB 48 ties the hands of teachers and administrators at the local level and often contradicts what students are taught at home. It also requires teachers and administrators to enter into the divisive debate over sexual orientation and morality and to portray only one side of that debate. Essentially teachers and administrators are being asked not to tolerate but to advocate.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fullerton: Conclusions, Fear and Patience

By Allen Wilson (Scribe) on August 7th, 2011 for www.RedCounty.comRe-posted by the Fullerton Sentinel

People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant. --Helen Keller
The community of Fullerton is shaken by fear because they have reached a litany of conclusions through media accounts of what transpired of that one fateful July evening that has cost the life of one of their residents, Kelly Thomas.

The offensive saga has brought city of 126,000 residents to its knees and began to ask questions repeatedly about the conduct of their very own Police Department whom are supposed "to serve and to protect".

In the interim, we can only pray for Kelly Thomas' family on their loss with knowledge that Kelly has passed through the gates and into heaven through peace.
Lets pray for the City of Fullerton so that they can get past this ugly chapter through healing and understanding.

Fullerton Councilmembers have a moral obligation and fiduciary duty through necessary steadfast leadership to heed the request of the community by unanimously demanding the Police Chief to step aside for the good of the community.

Leaders should be keenly aware that patience is now the public enemy number one in Fullerton.

The wonderful residents of Fullerton should live through harmony and without fear of retaliation of those employed by their very own Police Department whom are supposed to protect their community.

We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world. --Helen Keller

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Face of Corruption

Fullerton City Council Member Pat McKinley was the City's Chief of Police from 1993 until 2009.  Under his supervision and command a great number of alleged and confirmed cases of police misconduct and corruption occurred. 

McKinley is responsible for hiring all six officers involved in the murder of Kelly Thomas. 

He interviewed each officer and approved all of their pay raises and promotions.

McKinley lead a department which fostered this corruption until he retired and was elected to the City Council where he continues to control the police department.

McKinley is a triple-dipper.  He is set to receive a retirement from the LAPD, Fullerton PD, and the Fullerton City Council.



Sunday, July 31, 2011

Crime and Alcohol in Communities

In a free society that allows alcohol to become a way of life comes with a price for communities and crime that can spiral out of control.

Recently, the Huntington Beach Downtown Residents Association presented a 24 page report to the Huntington Beach City Council regarding alcohol and public safety matters in Downtown Huntington Beach.

Here are some alarming statistics for Huntington Beach:

1) 306% more off-sales alcohol per capita than Orange County.

2) 776% more on-sales alcohol per capita than Orange County.

Obviously, there is a problem.

Let's shift to Fullerton. The highest concentration of bars are situated in Downtown Fullerton along Harbor Blvd and Commonwealth Ave.

According to the ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) from the State of California statistics for the City of Fullerton are as follows:

Zip Code: 92831 41: Active On-Sale Retail Licenses 35: Active Off-Sale Retail Licenses
Zip Code: 92832 77: Active On-Sale Retail Licenses 27: Active Off-Sale Retail Licenses
Zip Code: 92835 15: Active On-Sale Retail Licenses 16: Active Off-Sale Retail Licenses

There are a grand total of outstanding 211 licenses has been issued by the ABC to various retail establishments in Fullerton that averages for every 597 residents makes up for one retail unit that sells alcohol.

A free society comes with responsibilities to ensure a peaceful communities without anarchy and violence that could become a burden to municipal resources (i.e., police, public safety, etc.)

Communities like Huntington Beach and Fullerton needs to examine the policies regarding the concentration of on-sale and off-sale retailers that sell liquor.

Friday, July 29, 2011

GRAPHIC WARNING - Rally and Protest at the Fullerton Police Department

The Fullerton Sentinel will be at the Fullerton Policed Department to show support for Kelly Thomas's family and express outrage over the lack of leadership within our city.

Please join us Saturday, July 30 · 9:00am - 3:00pm at 237 W Commonwealth Ave. (corner of Highland and Commonwealth).  There is plenty of public parking behind City Hall and the library.

On July 5th, 2011 Kelly Thomas was brutally beaten into a coma by six Fullerton Police officers. He never regained consciousness.

After several days in intensive care, his family was forced to make the awful decision to remove him from life support and he passed away.

Since that day, the Fullerton Police Department, Chief of Police Michael Sellers, Fullerton City Mayor Dick Jones, Council Members Don Bankhead and Pat McKinley, and... FPD spokesperson Andrew Goodrich have made every attempt to sweep this whole event under the rug. From stonewalling those who ask legitimate questions, releasing false and misleading information to the public, sensationalizing and exaggerating Kelly's demeanor and severity of mental illness, to refusing to make public statements, these elected officials have done nothing but harm to the citizens who ask only for justice for those responsible.

We as citizens have a duty to stand up for those who have been wronged when those we've entrusted to protect and serve us fall so short. The people of Fullerton must unite together and let our elected (and hired) officials know that this will not stand.

I invite you all - your friends, families, neighbors, acquaintances, dogs, cats, and anyone else wishing to stand up for what is right to join us again this Saturday, July 30th for another peaceful protest outside of FPD to let them know we will not let up until those responsible are brought to justice.

Again, this will be a peaceful protest. Bring signs, paint, chairs, snacks, but most importantly, bring yourselves.

Andy Anderson

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fullerton PD Chief Bound and Gagged?

By Darryl Jones for the Fullerton Sentinel
The other day Friends for Fullerton's Future posted a scathing post about Fullerton PD Chief Mike Sellers who has remained silent on the beating death of Kelly Thomas at the hands of Fullerton's finest.

If the Chief ever cares to gain credibility, he really must speak up now.  Remaining silent for the results of the investigation only delays the inevitable.

From 4F's Joe Sipowicz:

We received the following correspondence from a long-time Friend.

"The controversy surrounding the recent beating death of Kelly Thomas, a local mentally ill homeless man at the hands of the Fullerton Police has been marked by the absence of Chief Michael Sellers. The FPD has instead relied on its regular spokesman Sgt. Andrew Goodrich for..." Click here to read the entire post.

The Chief's silence is in stark contrast to 4F's Travis Kiger's post that "Fullerton Police Chief Mike Sellers made a promise to publicly disclose internal department policies and procedures on the city website."

And here we thought only politicians were suppose to break promises.

Yesterday, another Fullerton blog,, posted a letter from Council Member Bruce Whitaker who is asking that any audio or video of the beating death of Kelly Thomas be released. 

Former Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley, now a Fullerton Council Member, said after hearing Whitaker's request “I disagree with that last sentence about releasing the video. It isn't a wise thing to do and is for the authorities to do.” 

McKinley, who hired the officers involved - and all of the officers recently in the news for criminal acts - seems to think that the only "authorities" are those in uniform.  Someone needs to smack him with a reality check: the elected city council is the authority over the chief!  Sweet Mother's Cookies, how did this boob get elected?  No wonder his nickname is Pat McPension!

Release the recordings!  Fire Sellers!  Recall McPension!  Stop voting in these mucho-macho-fascists!

Borders and Local Government

Borders Books announced they are liquidating all of their stores due to inability to find a buyer after a sale deal fell apart.

In Pico Rivera, the city used a $1.6 Million federal grant to lure the retailer to the Towne Center. When the store closed their doors in March, the City of Pico Rivera was left with a $33,000 a month rent subsidy under terms of the 15-year agreement.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Suspect dead at the hands of the Fullerton Police Department

FULLERTON – A 37-year-old man who suffered head and neck injuries was taken off life support five days after police say he fought with officers trying to search him.

Kelly Thomas, who was homeless and suffered from schizophrenia, died Sunday afternoon at UCI Medical Center in Orange, his father, Ron Thomas, said.

"It was a brutal beating," said Thomas, a former Orange County sheriff's deputy. "My son's injuries were more indicative of someone using techniques to take someone out, to kill them immediately."

The incident happened about 8:30 p.m. Tuesday when officers went to investigate reports of a man trying to burglarize cars in a parking lot next to the bus depot in the 100 block of South Pomona Avenue, Fullerton police Sgt. Andrew Goodrich said.

Officers spotted a shirtless man with a beard, shorts and a backpack whom they suspected of being involved in the attempted burglaries, Goodrich said.

The man began to fight officers as they tried to search him, Goodrich said.

"We don't know why he was so combative and resistant to the officers, but it took upwards of five to six officers to subdue him," Goodrich said.

 Read the rest HERE at the Orange County Register.

Dear Sgt. Goodrich,
Kelly Thomas was "so combative and resistant to the officers" because he was minding his own business and suffered from schizophrenia! 
Some things are just to plain to see.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fullerton Councilmembers Statement of Economic Interests

The Political Reform Act requires elected officials to disclose their assets and income.

Elected officials like Fullerton Councilmembers must disqualify themselves from making any decisions that they may benefit personally.

Form 700, which is known as "Statement of Economic Interests" (SEI) are for public review to ensure full transparency of elected officials to prevent any conflict that may arises.

This past Spring all five Fullerton Councilmembers have submitted their SEI:

Don Bankhead
Richard Jones
Pat McKinley
Sharon Quirk-Silva
Bruce Whitaker

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Prepare for Sunset of Redevelopment Agency

Not that this will happen in Fullerton, but it will happen in the City of Glendora, which is located in the San Gabriel Valley Foothills.

The City of Glendora wants to prepare for the 2017 sunset of their Redevelopment Agency (RDA).

Why is this happening?

According to the proposed Glendora's 2011-12 Budget makes the key point that answer the question on page 32:

Reiteration of a critical policy matter facing the Glendora CRA is necessary. In 2017, the Agency’s Project Area #1, the economic engine of our redevelopment activities, will reach the end of its statutory existence. Tax increment collections beyond debt service obligations will cease. This translates into $1.9 million in lost administrative allocation for City services provided to the Agency. We believe that gradual, annual reduction in the $1.9 million allocation should be effectuated each year leading up to 2017, and for this reason have, under separate cover, presented the City Council/Agency Board with additional budget reductions beyond the scope of the attached Proposed Budget.

It is interesting to note that the Glendora RDA will "reach the end of its statutory existence".

Therefore, the City of Glendora is taking proactive steps in budgetary reduction and allocation that would eventually close the doors on their RDA.

Perhaps, Fullerton should look to Glendora as an example to get out of the Redevelopment Agency bureaucracy as a whole by making the free market work and not part of a municipal obligation.

When will the Fullerton City Council be serious by phasing out the Redevelopment Agency in the future like Glendora? Only time will tell!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fullerton Rapist in Jail

FPD Booking Photo, Courtesy of OC Register
by Denisse Salazar for the OC Register FULLERTON – A man is behind bars on suspicion of raping an Orange County housekeeper he found on Craigslist, police said.

Michael Delgado, 27, of Fullerton was arrested Friday morning after a woman in her 40s reported that she was raped when she showed up to clean an apartment in the 1500 block of Brea Boulevard, Fullerton police Sgt. Andrew Goodrich said.

Delgado was booked on suspicion of rape, false imprisonment, rape with a foreign object and assault, Goodrich said. He is being held at the Fullerton City Jail.

Goodrich said Delgado contacted the woman after he found her information under the "Maid" section of the classified ad site. He then sent her an e-mail and asked her to come clean his apartment, Goodrich said.

Goodrich said the woman was reluctant to accept the job because she typically only cleans homes for families. But in this case, Delgado was extremely persistent and she accepted the job after he told her he needed the apartment cleaned because his father was coming home.

The woman showed up at Delgado's gated apartment complex shortly before 8 a.m. Friday. Delgado greeted the woman at the gate and took her through several security doors, Goodrich said.

Once inside his apartment, the woman felt uneasy and tried to leave, but Delgado wouldn't let her, Goodrich said. Delgado then sexually assaulted and raped the woman for over an hour, Goodrich said.

Delgado then walked the woman out of the complex. Once outside, the woman asked a passerby to call the police.

Detectives interviewed the woman, who was extremely emotional, and arrested Delgado at his apartment. The woman later identified Delgado as the man who raped her, Goodrich said.

"She was physically traumatized by the incident," Goodrich said.

"We want to remind everyone that they need to be extremely cautious when meeting people they don't know at their homes," Goodrich said. "This incident reminds us just how vulnerable we can all be at times."

Anyone with information about this incident or the suspect was asked to call Detective Kathryn Hamel at 714-738-5327 or Fullerton police at 714-738-6715.

Contact the writer: 714-704-3709 or

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fullerton and Redistricting

Every 10 years the practice of redistricting was done in the hands of the state legislature, until voters approved Proposition 11 in 2008 by a margin of 200K votes out of 12 million cast that put the power of redrawing the Assembly, State Senate, Congressional and Board of Equalization district lines to the"California Citizens Redistricting Commission".

Last Friday, the Redistricting Commission released and approved the "Draft" maps for public review by a vote of 14-0.

What does this mean for Fullerton?

Under the proposed Assembly Map shows that current Assemblyman Chris Norby will gain Buena Park, but lose La Habra, Brea and Placentia to neighboring Assemblyman Curt Hagman. The registration would be 38% Democrat vs. 36% Republican.

Under the proposed State Senate map shows that Fullerton will no longer have State Senator Mimi Walters and could be represented by current State Senator Bob Huff who hails from Diamond Bar. The registration would be 40% Republican vs. 34% Democrat.

Under the proposed Congressional map shows that Fullerton may face a new Representative in the U.S. Congress as sources are saying that current Rep. Ed Royce are making calls for endorsements in Rep. John Campbell's Congressional District as Campbell may end up running in the Orange County coastal district. The registration would be 41% Republican vs. 34% Democrat.

Though many politicos forget that Democracy puts the power into the hands of the people and not the electeds who wants to dictate power and pull the political strings at the expense of the people.

The redistricting exercise is like a nasty chess move where the current legislators and electeds are sweating by realizing that they are no longer master of the game.

Let the dominoes fall, which may benefit Fullerton for reasonable representation!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner Comes Clean

A teary Rep. Anthony Weiner apologized on Monday for having "inappropriate" telephone and email conversations with six women over three years, though he said he did not break any laws and would not step down.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi immediately called for an investigation of Weiner's actions.

The New York lawmaker admitted he posted a photograph of his bulging crotch on Twitter, saying he had lied when he previously characterized the photograph as a prank.

"The picture was of me, and I sent it," he said.

He also said he had several "inappropriate conversations" that he described as "explicit in nature" with half a dozen other women over three years - including after he married his wife, Huma Abedin, an aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He said he had not met any of the women.

Read more Weinergate HERE!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

32 teens freed in Nigeria "baby factory" raid

...serious unless you are in Nigeria
where the crime warrants a 14-year
 Police have raided a house in southeast Nigeria being used as an illegal "baby factory," where young women were allegedly forced to bear children to be sold into the sex trade and for manual labor, according to French news agency AFP.

Police commissioner for Abia state, Bala Hassan, told AFP the house in Aba was raided over the weekend, "following a report that pregnant girls aged between 15 and 17 are being made to make babies for the proprietor."

"We rescued 32 pregnant girls and arrested the proprietor who is undergoing interrogation over allegations that he normally sells the babies to people who may use them for rituals or other purposes," Hassan said.

Some of the pregnant teens taken into protective custody during the raid said their children fetched prices of about $192 on the human trafficking market, which is rife in Nigeria.

Hassan told AFP the proprietor of the alleged "baby factory" could face a prison sentence of 14 years for the buying or selling of children.

According to the report, a network of such illicit homes was busted in 2008, revealing the extent of the problem in the West African nation.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

College graduates should mind their manners

By Arianne Custer 
Published: May 16, 2011 for the Daily Titan

There used to be a day when parents found it unacceptable for their children to behave unruly in front of others at the dinner table. In fact, it was an etiquette taboo not to have table manners. A child was to follow certain inherent rules in front of family, friends, dinner guests and even strangers.

Dinner at home, just a few generations ago, used to go like this. First you would wash your hands and then set the table with actual silverware and dinner plates – usually without even being asked – simply because your mother told you it was dinner time.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Daniel 6

 1 It pleased Darius to appoint 120 satraps to rule throughout the kingdom, 2 with three administrators over them, one of whom was Daniel. The satraps were made accountable to them so that the king might not suffer loss. 3 Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. 4 At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. 5 Finally these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.”

 6 So these administrators and satraps went as a group to the king and said: “May King Darius live forever! 7 The royal administrators, prefects, satraps, advisers and governors have all agreed that the king should issue an edict and enforce the decree that anyone who prays to any god or human being during the next thirty days, except to you, Your Majesty, shall be thrown into the lions’ den. 8 Now, Your Majesty, issue the decree and put it in writing so that it cannot be altered—in accordance with the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be repealed.” 9 So King Darius put the decree in writing.

 10 Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. 11 Then these men went as a group and found Daniel praying and asking God for help. 12 So they went to the king and spoke to him about his royal decree: “Did you not publish a decree that during the next thirty days anyone who prays to any god or human being except to you, Your Majesty, would be thrown into the lions’ den?”

   The king answered, “The decree stands—in accordance with the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be repealed.”

 13 Then they said to the king, “Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, Your Majesty, or to the decree you put in writing. He still prays three times a day.” 14 When the king heard this, he was greatly distressed; he was determined to rescue Daniel and made every effort until sundown to save him.

 15 Then the men went as a group to King Darius and said to him, “Remember, Your Majesty, that according to the law of the Medes and Persians no decree or edict that the king issues can be changed.”

 16 So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions’ den. The king said to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!”

 17 A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the rings of his nobles, so that Daniel’s situation might not be changed. 18 Then the king returned to his palace and spent the night without eating and without any entertainment being brought to him. And he could not sleep.

 19 At the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions’ den. 20 When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?”

 21 Daniel answered, “May the king live forever! 22 My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.”

 23 The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.

 24 At the king’s command, the men who had falsely accused Daniel were brought in and thrown into the lions’ den, along with their wives and children. And before they reached the floor of the den, the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones.

 25 Then King Darius wrote to all the nations and peoples of every language in all the earth:
   “May you prosper greatly!

 26 “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.
   “For he is the living God
   and he endures forever;
his kingdom will not be destroyed,
   his dominion will never end.
27 He rescues and he saves;
   he performs signs and wonders
   in the heavens and on the earth.
He has rescued Daniel
   from the power of the lions.”
 28 So Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of Cyrus the Persian. (Daniel 6, New International Version)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Illegal immigrants caught dressed as U.S. Marines


Published: March 23, 2011

For years, smugglers have tried a variety of creative methods to move their cargo – human and otherwise – without notice.

Some have taken to the seas, smuggling people via fishing boats and even personal watercraft. Earlier this year suspected drug runners tried a medieval-like approach, launching packages of marijuana into the United States with a catapult.

However, the latest approach may be the most novel. Thirteen Mexican nationals wore U.S. Marine uniforms on their way further north from the border, according to news reports.

The men were riding in a fake military van with U.S. government license plates – later determined to have been stolen – before they were apprehended by Border Patrol agents at a checkpoint near Campo on March 14, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Two U.S. citizens in the van were also taken into custody.

After the men in the suspicious van were questioned, agents determined that the vehicle's driverand its front seat passenger were U.S. citizens who were trying to smuggle 13 men illegally into the United States, Fox News reported.

All of the vehicle's occupants wore U.S. Marine uniforms with the name "Lopez" on name tags on their camouflage uniforms.

Read more about the incident in the Los Angeles Times, FoxNews and The Associated Press.

Contact the writer: 714-796-7924 or or

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gravy Train Continues for a Consultant: Matthew Cunningham

The purpose of keeping tabs of those working on the taxpayers dime by living off of the gravy train is critical to ensure a full free transparency of our government, because our local newspapers are not doing the work as they should and the sleuthing falls on the shoulders of us here at The Fullerton Sentinel.

Recently, Friends for Fullerton's Future (FFFF) exposed Mr. Matthew Cunningham of a $30,000 contract work for the OCTA (Orange County Transportation Authority) "He's Baaaack! Matthew J. Cunningham Scores Some OCTA Gravy".

The FFFF raises serious questions about the contract: "scope of work that seems ridiculously entails reading city agendas for transportation issues and telling the OCTA who’s on city councils and going to some meetings."

It doesn't end there, we have investigated further on Mr. Cunningham and it appears that he has been making rounds by trying to get work by selling his services.

The Metropolitan Water District of Orange County General Manager, Kevin Hunt, filed his April 2011 report to the MWDOC Board of Directors on page 224 of 224 by stating that MWDOC's David Cordero met with Mr. Cunningham:

David continues providing staff support to WACO and ISDOC. He recently organized the ISDOC Quarterly Meeting which featured a presentation by Matthew Cunningham (Pacific Strategies) on social media and why it should matter to local agencies and elected officials. He also organized the recent WACO Meeting featuring ACWA Executive Director, Tim Quinn.

Now, it be interesting to find out what was the scope of THAT meeting, which COULD benefit Mr. Cunningham. Boy, if we could only be a fly on THAT wall!

ISDOC refers to Independent Special Districts of Orange County and WACO refers to Water Advisory Committee of Orange County.

It appears that some continue to find ways to stay on the gravy train at taxpayers expense, but unfortunately we must keep tabs on the likes of Mr. Cunningham, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cap & Trade Comes to Fullerton

Cap & Trade AB 32: Important Information that will greatly impact your life

“CAP AND TRADE” Coming To California January 1, 2012
CAP Energy – TRADE Freedom

No Exaggerations.....No Half-Truths......No Nonsense


1401 N. Harbor.
Fullerton CA 92835
Thursday, MAY 19th


P.O. Box 1190 Huntington Beach, CA 92647
$ave California $en$ibly ---Speak up NOW

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hearing on 760-home development postponed


FULLERTON – A public hearing on the proposed 760-home West Coyote Hills project originally scheduled to go before the City Council on Tuesday has been postponed.

The public hearing has been rescheduled for 6:30 p.m. July 12 in the Council Chambers at 303 W. Commonwealth Ave.

Chevron-owned Pacific Coast Homes, the project's developer, requested the postponement, city officials said.

The Orange County Land Use Commission, a county agency that ensures compatibility with land uses and their proximity to airports, wants more time to make sure there are no noise or safety issues affecting airport operations, project planner Joan Wolff said. The southwest tip of the project comes close to the air space around the Fullerton Municipal Airport.

Pacific Coast Homes proposes to build condominiums, townhomes and single-family homes along with 68,000 square feet of retail space on the 510 acres it owns in northwest Fullerton. Under its proposal, 283 acres would remain open or recreational areas, including the existing 72-acre Robert E. Ward Nature Preserve.

Last year, the City Council voted 3-2 against the development. Pacific Coast Homes sued.

Under a recent settlement agreement, the City Council will reconsider the same proposal that was denied last year. Following last year's decision, two new council members were voted into office.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Call for action at Cal State Fullerton

On behalf of the editorial staff of the Fullerton Sentinel, we would like to offer our support for higher education. Many of our contributors are teachers and students who understand the challenges before you because we are living through them.

The Fullerton Sentinel does not support the Declaration to Defend Public education because, among other reasons, it does not hold anyone accountable.

That said, please consider the following message from the Fullerton Sentinel to the CSUF students at tonight's rally:

California State University at Fullerton has been mismanaged for decades. Now in the midst of an economic depression we see the results of poor financial planning and what it is like to live hand to mouth.

Whether it is the faculty early retirement program which causes a significant burden on the coffers or poor leadership from the president, CSUF students are at the epicenter of a major institutional shakeup.

Each of you are the hope of tomorrow. You are the leaders of tomorrow but your state needs you today. It is time to learn about the CSU budget. Its time to learn about CSU funding. Its time for you to take all of your knowledge and ambition to do fix this broken university system.

Declarations do not change state or university budgets. Pounding your fists will not stop the incessant waste of your tuition to pay for "conferences" for administrators. You must root out and embarrass the university's leadership to affect meaningful and lasting change. You must become smarter than they are and a PhD will not grant you the common sense you will need to wage a battle over budgetary policies.

The Fullerton Sentinel extends to ALL CSU students an opportunity for insightful change instead of blind change.

Only one question remains, who among you has the fortitude and character to lead the charge of higher education?

Show us that leader.

The Fullerton Sentinel

The Trojan

The Trojan

The Fullerton Sentinel would like to welcome The Trojan. 

The Trojan is a noteworthy and experienced writer and political pundit with a background in finance and accounting.  The Trojan has been involved in U.S., California, and Southern California partisan politics for many years. 

Recently, The Trojan was spotted at several Fullerton hot-spots and has even had a run-in with the local PD. 

We look forward to reading the Trojan's articles....


The Fullerton Sentinel

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Walter Myers III: Davenport should be afforded a measure of grace

Walter Myers, III

Here we go again. Republican Party Central Committee member Marilyn Davenport, of the 72nd Assembly District, recently sent an email to a select group of people with an image depicting President Obama’s face superimposed on a child ape in a “family portrait,” consisting of father, mother, and son apes. The caption underneath reads: “Now you know why -- No birth certificate!” Party Chairman Scott Baugh rightly and firmly spoke out against this email in an article published in the Orange County Register. The story itself includes a screenshot from Channel 2 News coverage, and the O.C. Weekly ran the story as well. So there is much wrangling over this incident, and in my capacity as the incoming Chairman of the OC Republican Party American Dream Outreach Committee (pending official committee approval), I would like to speak out on this matter. But first let’s put some context around this incident.
In the Register article, there was mention that this was the “third charge of racism among Orange County's conservative-leaning political class in recent history.” The first was in 2003, and the second in 2009. So this is hardly a regular occurrence, and in each case the offender, who acted alone and on their own accord, either resigned or was voted out of office. The 2009 case was regarding then Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose. Grose sent an email from his personal account, with an image depicting a watermelon patch in front of the White House, to some family members as well as a black woman, Keyanus Price, with whom Dean had worked on a committee. After talking with Dean about this a few months back, it became clear to me that Dean meant no harm in sending what was intended to be a bit of good-natured ethnic humor, which he deeply regretted later. If his intent was to send a racist message, then it would make absolutely no sense to send this to a black woman. Yet Price demonstrated a complete lack of grace and goodwill towards someone who obviously held her in high regard and simply wanted to share a laugh. Was this an appropriate action for an elected official? It was not well-advised, but any construal of racist intent in this case, in my view, is tenuous at best, and wholly cynical at worst. We have come too far in race relations to have an image such as this divide us.

Now the picture that Davenport sent, I think, is of a completely different kind, because there is a clear historical view of blacks being seen as little more than apes who were less evolved than whites. It was the naturalist Charles Darwin, author of the iconic book The Origin of Species that established the concept of the evolution of species, who later hypothesized in his book The Descent of Man (published in 1871) that the “civilized races” would one day exterminate and replace the savage races of the world (and yes, I suffered through read both books). In this book he ascribed the same evolutionary status to Negroes, Australians (Aborigines), and gorillas. This book was cited for many years as providing the scientific basis for racism, culminating in the eugenics movement, which was highly popular in the early decades of the 20th century. Notable eugenicists include Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, and the most extreme of them all, Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany. So hopefully this provides clear context as to why the image Davenport sent might be considered highly offensive.

It is not my belief that Davenport’s intention was to make a racist statement, as I know some of the people she sent the email very well, and none have given me any reason to believe they are racists. Moreover, I am not the type of person who is always on the watch for racists because I look at overall character, and if someone is indeed a racist or has some other undesirable trait, it will eventually display itself in their actions in some manner. However, I do believe that Davenport demonstrated an incredible lapse in judgment by forwarding an email with such a disrespectful and hurtful image, and it is simply inexcusable that she would not know how incredibly offensive that image was. If I were in the same position, not only would I have deleted it immediately, but I would have also become suspect of the person who sent it and asked them explicitly to never send an email of that type to me again, lest our friendship end at that moment. There is simply no place for this type of image (particularly for conservatives), whether in private or public, regardless of what one believes about Obama’s place of birth or policies (and I say this as someone who abhors most of his policies). There was a line that Davenport crossed, and as an elected official there is no defense for her crossing this line, even if unintentional. Nonetheless, whereas Dean Grose was afforded no measure of grace and forgiveness, my suggestion is that since Davenport has apologized for sending this email, which was sent in a private capacity with no party involvement, she be afforded a measure of grace that was unfortunately denied to Dean.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Politically Correct Gone Too Far?

Now you know why no birth certificate.
 By now just about everyone has seen this picture. 

A few GOP insiders who have a political beef with Marilyn Davenport because she represents the 72nd Assembly District (1 of 6) on the OC Republican Party's Central Committee and has been a staunch supporter of anyone willing to buck Ackerman, Schroeder, Fleischman, and Baugh have taken what would normally have been a nothing-email and turned it into a media circus.

Over the weekend it was reported to the Sentinel that it was the Ackerman, Schroeder, and Fleischman trio who leaked the email to R. Scott Moxley at 

You may recall that it was this same group which sought the audio/video recordings that lead to the resignation of former 72nd Assemblyman, Mike Duvall.  Later that year, former State Senator Dick Ackerman's wife Linda Ackerman (a carpetbagger who was living in Irvine despite falsified voter registration documents) ran for the seat against then-County Supervisor Chris Norby.  Norby beat Ackerman by a huge 2-1 margin.  The Norby-Ackerman animosity dates back to the days when both men were on the Fullerton City Council. 

As Sentinel friend Tim Whitacre has stated, Davenport is a kind woman.

The Fullerton Sentinel understands that some hypersensitive individuals might be offended by the image above.  Just for you we have assembled some images sent to us by Orange County Republicans who think the image is fair political free speech.

Al Gore
Cruz Bustamante (or Bust-a-monkey)
Dick Chaney
Pres. Bush
Dick Chaney
John Kerry
Pres. Bush

Pres. Bush

Jesse Jackson & Donald Rumsfeld
Davenport told the Sentinel that she will not be resigning despite OCGOP  Chairman Baugh's crying.  A KABC News video shows a clown-like Baugh succumbing to the realization that he has no authority to remove a duly elected Central Committee member. 

And in case you didn't get enough...

Now that the hypersensitive visitors are livid and pounding their fists, maybe they will go and leave the rest of us to laugh it off.  For decades political satire has equated political leadership to monkey business.  Indeed it is.

Hello, my name is Jessica

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