Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fullerton: Conclusions, Fear and Patience

By Allen Wilson (Scribe) on August 7th, 2011 for www.RedCounty.comRe-posted by the Fullerton Sentinel

People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant. --Helen Keller
The community of Fullerton is shaken by fear because they have reached a litany of conclusions through media accounts of what transpired of that one fateful July evening that has cost the life of one of their residents, Kelly Thomas.

The offensive saga has brought city of 126,000 residents to its knees and began to ask questions repeatedly about the conduct of their very own Police Department whom are supposed "to serve and to protect".

In the interim, we can only pray for Kelly Thomas' family on their loss with knowledge that Kelly has passed through the gates and into heaven through peace.
Lets pray for the City of Fullerton so that they can get past this ugly chapter through healing and understanding.

Fullerton Councilmembers have a moral obligation and fiduciary duty through necessary steadfast leadership to heed the request of the community by unanimously demanding the Police Chief to step aside for the good of the community.

Leaders should be keenly aware that patience is now the public enemy number one in Fullerton.

The wonderful residents of Fullerton should live through harmony and without fear of retaliation of those employed by their very own Police Department whom are supposed to protect their community.

We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world. --Helen Keller

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