Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Bar in Downtown Fullerton

by Darryl Jones for the Fullerton Sentinel

As if the dozens of existing bars in Downtown Fullerton were not enough, yet another is poised to open.

Last night, the Fullerton Planning Commission unanimously gave the green light to the nightclub which is taking over the old Spadra Restaurant next to the Slidebar.  The owners plan to expand the patio and make minor interior changes.

The plans include having beer taps at several tables so that customers can pour their own drinks. 

In a town where some of our greatest expense and liability is the direct result of providing college students and dropouts with alcohol, it might be time to re-think City plans to continue this growing trend. 

City staff assert that the City has the resources to manage another watering hole.  With as many as ten Fullerton Police Officers taken off patrol in recent months for varying degrees of misconduct it is unclear just how the City will manage another 200 drunks in Downtown Fullerton. 

Good job Fullerton!

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