Friday, July 29, 2011

GRAPHIC WARNING - Rally and Protest at the Fullerton Police Department

The Fullerton Sentinel will be at the Fullerton Policed Department to show support for Kelly Thomas's family and express outrage over the lack of leadership within our city.

Please join us Saturday, July 30 · 9:00am - 3:00pm at 237 W Commonwealth Ave. (corner of Highland and Commonwealth).  There is plenty of public parking behind City Hall and the library.

On July 5th, 2011 Kelly Thomas was brutally beaten into a coma by six Fullerton Police officers. He never regained consciousness.

After several days in intensive care, his family was forced to make the awful decision to remove him from life support and he passed away.

Since that day, the Fullerton Police Department, Chief of Police Michael Sellers, Fullerton City Mayor Dick Jones, Council Members Don Bankhead and Pat McKinley, and... FPD spokesperson Andrew Goodrich have made every attempt to sweep this whole event under the rug. From stonewalling those who ask legitimate questions, releasing false and misleading information to the public, sensationalizing and exaggerating Kelly's demeanor and severity of mental illness, to refusing to make public statements, these elected officials have done nothing but harm to the citizens who ask only for justice for those responsible.

We as citizens have a duty to stand up for those who have been wronged when those we've entrusted to protect and serve us fall so short. The people of Fullerton must unite together and let our elected (and hired) officials know that this will not stand.

I invite you all - your friends, families, neighbors, acquaintances, dogs, cats, and anyone else wishing to stand up for what is right to join us again this Saturday, July 30th for another peaceful protest outside of FPD to let them know we will not let up until those responsible are brought to justice.

Again, this will be a peaceful protest. Bring signs, paint, chairs, snacks, but most importantly, bring yourselves.

Andy Anderson

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