Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fullerton City Hall Epicenter Corruption

Fullerton management closely resembles the 1989 Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder film Hear See No Evil, Hear No Evil.

The Fullerton Association of Concerned Taxpayers (FACT) posted a video of Fullerton Council Member Bruce Whitaker talking about the lack of communication and transparency at City Hall.

Whitaker tells of lies, falsified reports, and stonewalling department heads.  Misinformation seems to be the order of the day.

What is it about our City Hall that attracts corruption?

For some reason, city staff seem to think they are in charge of Fullerton.

Long overdue, the City Council needs to begin systematically firing department heads beginning with City Manager Joe Felz. 

If the City Council boobs wont do it, let's show them the door.  A new City Council won't be so tolerant of corruption.

Fullerton Recall

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