Thursday, June 7, 2012

What just happened? So long dipsticks!

So long dipsticks!
I'm out of town and off the grid for a few weeks and return to find the Fullerton recall passed in a landslide victory and new faces elected. I should go away more often.

I have high hopes for the new council.  The world is watching and they had better get it right.

From the Fullerton's Future blog and newspapers, it looks like the FPD had better straighten up, like yesterday, if they want to keep their jobs.  The FPD can be recalled too.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

State Controller Not Happy with Judge's Ruling

State Controller John Chiang issued the following statement in response to today's tentative ruling regarding Proposition 25:
"Voters passed Proposition 25 because they're tired of the Legislature's chronic inability to pass a balanced budget by the June 15 constitutional deadline. The initiative was clear – no balanced, on-time budget, no pay for lawmakers.
"The court's tentative ruling flies in the face of the voters' will by allowing legislators to keep their salaries flowing by simply slapping the title 'budget act' on a sheet of paper by June 15. Adopting an unbalanced and unfinanceable budget may ensure they are paid, but the people of California will be stuck with delayed payments and IOUs once that 'budget' falls apart.
"I will review options with the Attorney General to determine the next steps."

Monday, April 16, 2012

Deborah Pauly Receives Howard Jarvis Endorsement for OC Supervisor

(The following is a message from Deborah)

Greetings friends,

I am honored to be endorsed by the most principled taxfighting organization in the state: 
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. 

The notification letter I just received reads:
“The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Political Action Committee has endorsed Deborah Pauly for election to the Orange County Board of Supervisors representing District 3.  We believe Deborah Pauly will be an excellent representative for taxpayers
and look forward to working with her in the years ahead.”

This is HUGE! 
The HJTA endorsement is one of the rare few that can't be bought,
but rather goes to the candidate with the proven track record of fighting for taxpayers.

Now, I need your help to get elected, so that I can help all taxpayers from a position as a member of the Board.

Please help me. 

People may donate on-line or mail a check to payable to:
          Deb Pauly for OC Supervisor 2012
          Paul Brown, Treasurer,
          600 N. Tustin Ave, Suite 120
          Santa Ana, CA 92705

          Include occupation and employer (homemaker, retired or Self-employed is OK, too)

Please forward this great news to all your friends and neighbors.

Thank you for your help.

Expect Success in 2012!
deborah pauly

1st vice chair, Republican Party of Orange County
 City of Villa Park
Find Deborah on Facebook + Follow her on Twitter @YnotDebPauly

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hughes Says F-You Fullerton

In act of defiance and possible further cover up, Fullerton PD's unindicted co-conspirator Acting Police Chief Danny Hughes promoted  accomplice and unindicted co-conspirator Sgt. Andrew Goodrich to Lieutenant.  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fullerton selling out to "affordable" housing

It's been awhile since we have posted but with a Fullerton City Council meeting scheduled for 6 tonight,we though we should tell you about their big developer giveaways.

There are 2 items on the agenda that should be a drop-kick to your head and your pocket book.

Items 5 and 6 are affordable housing money pits funded by taxpayers.  They're also completely unnecessary.

There was a time when Fullerton's Redevelopment Agency was obligated by state law to allocate funding for affordable housing but not so anymore with new state law.  These un-affordable housing projects are being pushed to spite you, the taxpayer.

These collectively bad RDA ideas will cost you $60 million.   

Taxpayers and voters need to shut the door on these quasi-redevelopment projects that have no place in Fullerton or our taxes.

Close the door on redevelopment boondoggles forever with a vote to recall Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley.  
Show up at tonight's meeting and tell them to hit the road with their bag of RDA tricks and schemes.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Is Fullerton Doomed?

by Darryl Jones for the Fullerton Sentinel
There are so many things that eat at me.

Sometimes its little; sometimes big.  I guess I'm just wired that way.

Today I am upset with Fullerton.  I conduct most of my business in Fullerton and contribute heavily to the tax base. 

So, when I had a chance to sign the recall petition, I did.  All three. 

The Three Idiots, Three Blind Mice, Three Senile Imbeciles, whatever you call them, are on there way out. 

And what is bothering me is knowing that there are at least three more well-funded, well connected insiders ready to step up and fill those seats.  That scares the hell out of me and it should do the same to you. 

When the signatures are counted, who will be throwing their hat into a race to manage and spend YOUR money.  My money. 

I learned my lesson and will never vote for another public employee to the Fullerton City Council.  No more school teachers.  No more cops.  No firemen or retired city employees.

And NO attorneys!  Nelson was good (though flawed) but no more.  No more wills & trusts characters.  No more real estate people either- trust me! 

For crying out loud- can't we just get a good person to watch over Fullerton? Is it that hard?

I hope you will join me in supporting a moratorium on political hacks, banksters, public employees, and the city hall insiders.

Let's find someone who can do the job and not screw us over. 

Hello, my name is Jessica

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