Monday, January 23, 2012

Is Fullerton Doomed?

by Darryl Jones for the Fullerton Sentinel
There are so many things that eat at me.

Sometimes its little; sometimes big.  I guess I'm just wired that way.

Today I am upset with Fullerton.  I conduct most of my business in Fullerton and contribute heavily to the tax base. 

So, when I had a chance to sign the recall petition, I did.  All three. 

The Three Idiots, Three Blind Mice, Three Senile Imbeciles, whatever you call them, are on there way out. 

And what is bothering me is knowing that there are at least three more well-funded, well connected insiders ready to step up and fill those seats.  That scares the hell out of me and it should do the same to you. 

When the signatures are counted, who will be throwing their hat into a race to manage and spend YOUR money.  My money. 

I learned my lesson and will never vote for another public employee to the Fullerton City Council.  No more school teachers.  No more cops.  No firemen or retired city employees.

And NO attorneys!  Nelson was good (though flawed) but no more.  No more wills & trusts characters.  No more real estate people either- trust me! 

For crying out loud- can't we just get a good person to watch over Fullerton? Is it that hard?

I hope you will join me in supporting a moratorium on political hacks, banksters, public employees, and the city hall insiders.

Let's find someone who can do the job and not screw us over. 

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