Wednesday, April 25, 2012

State Controller Not Happy with Judge's Ruling

State Controller John Chiang issued the following statement in response to today's tentative ruling regarding Proposition 25:
"Voters passed Proposition 25 because they're tired of the Legislature's chronic inability to pass a balanced budget by the June 15 constitutional deadline. The initiative was clear – no balanced, on-time budget, no pay for lawmakers.
"The court's tentative ruling flies in the face of the voters' will by allowing legislators to keep their salaries flowing by simply slapping the title 'budget act' on a sheet of paper by June 15. Adopting an unbalanced and unfinanceable budget may ensure they are paid, but the people of California will be stuck with delayed payments and IOUs once that 'budget' falls apart.
"I will review options with the Attorney General to determine the next steps."

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