Thursday, August 18, 2011

SB 48 in a Nutshell

SB 48 will teach children as young as five to not only accept but also endorse transgenderism, bisexuality, and homosexuality through our social sciences curriculum including history, history books and instructional materials. The media and others call SB 48 the "Gay History Bill," however, SB 48 goes even further. The bill casts a wide-reaching net that includes all social sciences like economics, government, and cultural and social anthropology.

Furthermore, SB 48 ties the hands of teachers and administrators at the local level and often contradicts what students are taught at home. It also requires teachers and administrators to enter into the divisive debate over sexual orientation and morality and to portray only one side of that debate. Essentially teachers and administrators are being asked not to tolerate but to advocate.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's a government plot to force parents into private schools and homeschooling so that the state can justify further cuts on public schools.


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