Monday, August 8, 2011

The Face of Fullerton's Corruption

Do you trust the ex-chief of police
to clean up his own mess?



  1. McPension is the WORST thing to happen to Fullerton since Don Bankhead fell out of his Captain's chair and took an early medical retirement to run for city council. RECALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Unfortunately, the worst of two evils is to have them but, then you get some good and a lot who are bad. People are products of their environment. Most cannot be unaffected by their mixture of good and evil. I see very few Christian police officers nowadays. Many have no higher standard to which they operate. Henceforth, 90% are all corrupt. They serve the government in hopes of a pension later in life. They break the law, they kill, drug people and force hookers for free sex. I call that scum. Piece of donkey dung. God is real and justice is coming. For those who don't believe? Ask Lt. Gaither what happened to him. He enjoyed giving head and getting it as a law enforcement person. Yup, like I said. Scum!


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