Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Does Sexual Orientation Matter?

Does sexual orientation matter when it comes to significant historical events?  NO!

Does Alexander the Great's bi-sexual behavior have anything to do with his ability to kill or dominate the world?  Doubtful.  (although his early and untimely death may have been a result of his lack of self control)

So why are the over sexualized and completely intolerant LGBT groups trying to sell California legislators on the need to sexualize history for our children?  Why do they want your children to get cozy and comfortable knowing some of history's most prominent figures were sexually dysfunctional?  It makes no sense.

Whether or not a man will go to hell for sucking on the penis of another man is a matter for God to decide and should not be a matter for discussion in public K-12 classrooms, much less any connection between historic figures and their the sexual promiscuity. 

Below is a law being pushed through that will do all of the above and make sexual dysfunctions some perverted part of history to be taught to children in an attempt to normalize mental illness.  Read it and then act upon it.

Warm Regards,
The Fullerton Sentinel

(from Advocates for Faith and Freedom)
Senate Bill (SB) 48, which was written by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), would require that US history, California history, and social science curriculum in our schools deliberately include instruction on historical contributions from the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community.

Hanging on the coattails of “anti-bullying” measures, this bill once again forces personal sexuality into the instruction of our children, starting in elementary school.  Currently, the bill has passed the Senate Education Committee with a 6-3 vote.

The bill now moves to the Senate Judiciary Committee, and you need to make your voice heard on this matter!  Please contact your legislators today and tell them to vote “No” on SB 48!  Find your legislators here:

Institute on the Constitution

Come learn about the Supreme Law of the Land, our "U.S. Constitution". Learn  how its framers intended American government to function to guarantee our liberty as Americans.  This series will be presented in twelve 1.5 hour sessions on Thursday evenings promptly at 7:00 PM in North Orange County (April 14, 21, 28,May 12,19, 26, June 9, 16, 23, 30, July 14, 21) Includes a video featuring David Barton  from & class participation. Take advantage of this opportunity to become a better informed patriot and take America back!! 

The IOTC ( Institute on the Constitution) is twelve half-hour video lectures by Dr. John Eidsmoe, J.D., PhD* plus review questions and class discussion facilitated by Steve Jackson, who has been teaching the Constitution for 15 years. Students will receive a complete study syllabus and supplemental handouts. *John Eidsmoe, a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, holds degrees in theology, law, and political science.  He is a frequent lecturer and debater at colleges as well as churches and civic groups.  He is the author of 10 books including Christianity and the Constitution, God and Caesar, and Columbus and Cortez.   As a constitutional attorney, he has successfully litigated court cases involving First Amendment religious freedom and home schooling.

*****Sizzler Restaurant (Banquet room)
*****1401 North Harbor Bl./Brea Bl.
*****Fullerton 92835

Cost is $25 per family unit to cover duplication expenses made out to Steve Jackson on first day of class. Invite your friends & family members

For further information contact Zonya Townsend  or Steve Jackson at 714 775-3489

A study on Christianity and the Law of the land

How much do you know about the U.S. Constitution?
Your freedoms depend on your answer to that question.
Who wrote it? What worldview and religious beliefs did they have?
What is its purpose?  Does it grant me rights?  What about church-state issues?
What about church-state issues?
What is constitutional or unconstitutional?  Who says?
What about original intent?  Is the Constitution still relevant?  Is it broken?
Titles of the IOTC videos are as follows:
1. A Biblical View of History, Law and Government
2. The Religious Beliefs of the Founding Fathers
3. The Philosophical Worldview of the Founding Fathers (their 5-fold formula)
4. 1776-1789: From Independence to the Constitution
5. Overview of the Constitution: Preamble and Article I
6. Overview of the Constitution: Articles II and III
7. Overview of the Constitution: Articles IV-VII
8. Overview of the Constitution: First Amendment
9. The Foundations of American Government (David Barton video on religious freedom)
10. Overview of the Constitution: Amendments 2-27
11. The Crisis of the Constitution: From Biblical Absolutes to Revolutionary Humanism
12. Reclaiming the Constitution: A Victory Plan for Restoring Our Constitutional Heritage

Is religious freedom threatened in the U.S.A.?

Is this soon to happen in the U.S.A. as it has in France? 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Protect Free Speech

This just in from friends in Yorba Linda:

This Tuesday Night, March 29, at 6:30 PM.
Please plan to arrive early as 5:00PM.
Yorba Linda City Hall:  4845 Casa Loma in Yorba Linda
Protect Free Speech at the Yorba Linda  City Council Meeting!
CAIR is Using a Favorite Shariah-Mandated Tactic ― Intimidation
Their Targets: Elected Officials who speak out against terrorist sympathizer.

Come on out with your flags and respectful posters.  By that we mean poster such as:  "NO SHARIAH",  "FREE SPEECH", "NO TERRORISM", etc.

Mayor Nancy Rikel and Councilman John Anderson stood up for America and our 1st Amendment right of free speech.  Both came out to our protest and spoke on that February Sunday.  Now it is time for us to stand for them.  This coming Tuesday, March 29th at 6:30 PM the Yorba Linda City Council will meet.  The City Council Chambers are located at City Hall   4845 Casa Loma in Yorba Linda.  This is located just down from the community center past the park.  Plan to arrive by 5:30 PM if you can.

Several of us will be speaking as we did this week at the Villa Park Council Meeting.  These two courageous elected officials deserve support from all of us.  Come on out  with your flags and respectful posters.  By that I mean such as: "NO SHARIAH",  "FREE SPEECH", "NO TERRORISM", etc. 
If the militant Muslims show up as they did on Tuesday in Villa Park , please refrain from stooping to their level.  An intelligent dialogue is much more productive that the shouting and yelling which took place Tuesday.

Bring your cameras, bring your videocameras.

Let's be there to support Mayor Rikel and Councilman Anderson.

Hope to see you Tuesday!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

North OC Conservative Coalition's Call to Action

Please take a look at these important California bills that are being introduced into our legislature today.  We need to be aware because they affect our children, our future.  While we are worried about jobs and high gas prices, our Democrat legislature is working hard to change our society.
Macintosh HD:Users:ronprentice:Desktop:CFA Final Logo[1].pdfSenate Bill (SB) 48 was authored by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), an openly homosexual legislator who has authored and sponsored many bills specific to the advancement of homosexuality in education, employment, and family codes.
SB 48’s stated purpose is to mandate that California’s social science curriculum include the contributions of homosexuals to contemporary society, including bisexuals and transsexuals.  However, the responsibility to identify and select contributors of significance to our contemporary society should not rest in the hands of California’s Legislature.  SB 48 mandates the inclusion of the roles of “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.”
No one should deny – based on sexual orientation – the mention of a person’s significant contributions to society.  However, never before in social science textbooks has sexual orientation, of any kind, been a mandated factor by which to select contributors, nor has law mandated the mention of a contributor’s sexual orientation.
Senate Bill 48, if passed, would place decisions regarding age-appropriateness of content and issues of academic accuracy outside the awareness of parents, who are primarily responsible for the welfare of their children.
The underlying impact of SB 48’s passage is the advancement of a pro-homosexual worldview in the public classroom, and the marginalization of all worldviews that conflict with such a view.  In addition, this bill promotes one’s sexual identity over and above one’s societal contributions.
Following are other current legislative bills that:
  1. Promote the advancement of homosexuality as a special, legally protected class
  2. Threaten freedom of speech and religion
  3. Promote public schools as the primary source of child-rearing
Advancement of Homosexuality as a Special Class
AB 9 (Ammiano, D-San Francisco) Education: Bullying – expresses the intent of the Legislature to “enact legislation to protect pupils from acts of bullying by requiring school personnel to report known or suspected instances of bullying to law enforcement entities.” 
AB 433 (B. Lowenthal, D-Long Beach) Transgender Birth Certificates – Under current law, whenever a person born in this state has undergone surgical treatment for the purpose of altering his or her sexual characteristics to those of the opposite sex, a new birth certificate may be prepared reflecting the change of gender and any change of name.  A petition for the issuance of a new birth certificate must be filed in the superior court of the county in which the petitioner resides and accompanied by a physician’s affidavit.  AB 443 would consider the affidavit irrefutable evidence and no longer allow the filing of challenges, and would allow the petition to be filed in any county.
AB 620 (Block, D-San Diego) GLBT Rights: Postsecondary Education – would greatly expand the special rights of homosexual students and faculty at public colleges and universities, and implement anti-harassment and awareness training for staffs.
AB 673 (Perez, D-Los Angeles) Office of Multicultural Health:  LGBT Communities – The Office of Multicultural Health is tasked with coordinating various activities and planning to close gaps in health and access to care among California’s diverse racial and ethnic communities.  AB 673 would expand the oversight of the office to include lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities as well.
SB 182 (Corbett, D-San Leandro) Judiciary Demographic Data – would attempt to increase the number of homosexual judges by adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the demographic data collected by the governor’s office for judicial applicants. 
SB 651 (Leno, D-San Francisco) Eliminates Differences: Marriage and Domestic Partnerships – would “declare the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would eliminate statutory differences between marriage and domestic partnerships.”
SB 747 (Kehoe, D-San Diego) LGBT Sensitivity Training for Health Care Providers – would require that health-care personnel complete a continuing-education course in “cultural competency, sensitivity, and best practices for providing adequate care to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons.” 

Threatening Freedom of Speech and Religion
AB 123 (Mendoza, D-Norwalk) School Safety: Disruption Threatening Pupils – would limit outside disruptions to students arriving, on school grounds, or leaving schools by controlling “disruptive” or threatening access to schools, school grounds, or nearby streets, sidewalks, or public ways.  AB 123 amends an older law and there is some cause for concern as the new bill deletes a section of law that provides protection for freedom of speech and assembly.
SB 117 (Kehoe, D-San Diego) Public Contracts: Prohibiting “Discrimination” Based on Gender or Sexual Orientation – would prohibit state agencies from contracting for $100,000 or more with contractors who discriminate in providing benefits to employees’ spouses or domestic partners based on gender or sexual orientation.
Promote Public Schools as the Primary Source for Child-rearing
AB 499 (Atkins, D-San Diego) Minors: Medical Care: Consent – Current laws allows children as young as 12 to consent to medical care without parental knowledge or permission in certain instances; this laws would expand that consent to medical care related to the prevention of a sexually transmitted disease.
SB 13 (Liu, D-Glendale) Pupils: Teen Dating Violence Prevention – would authorize a school district to provide teen dating violence-prevention education as part of the sexual health and health education program it provides to grades 7 to 12.

Letter and Call to Action in Yorba Linda

Dear friends and members of Yorba – Placentia CRA:
As you may know, certain Muslim activists and their liberal friends have taken to the streets lately to harass and attack any and all American citizens who courageously step forward to speak out against the Islamization of America.  Over the past few weeks, beginning with the February 13thfundraiser event featuring the anti-Semitic Islamist Amir Abdel Malik Ali, and culminating most recently at the Villa Park City Council meeting last night where a few hundred Islamists and sympathizers rankled and harassed the council members in protest against Deborah Pauly.  It seems they were upset because Mrs. Pauly had the temerity to identify Amir Ali as “pure unadulterated evil.” 
So now they are planning to show up again, this time at the Yorba Linda City Council chambers on Tuesday night, to continue their rant against free speech.  If they act the way they did on Monday night, they’ll be shouting in bull horns, and waiving pejorative signs about all the racism and hate-speech coming from the Christian, Tea Party Right.
So in light of these events, the Board of the Yorba-Placentia CRA has decided to re-focus our unit’s efforts towards the City Council Chambers in Yorba Linda on Tuesday night.  We will ask OC Republican Chairman Scott Baugh for his patience with us in re-scheduling him for another meeting, and instead we ask that you come down to the Yorba Linda City Chambers located at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba Linda, CA 92885.  Since Nadia and I work, we will probably not be able to arrive until 6:00 p.m.  If you are going to come, and hope to speak at the meeting, you will probably have to show up much earlier in order to get on the docket.
We hope you will come out to support the Council Members, and the rest of us who will be there.  If you search the internet for news of the events mentioned above, you will find that the overwhelming point of view expressed by the media and leftist blogs, is against those of us standing against the subversive actions of these Islamists.  The OC Register in particular slants its commentary and reporting heavily against us, referring to the Tea Party activists as “racist and bigoted,” while in another article, referring to Malik Ali as “controversial.” 
Alone it is a very difficult fight to sustain, because we also have to steel ourselves against discouragement.  But if we stick together we encourage each other, we are strong, and we can withstand this onslaught.
So please make every effort to come out and stand up to preserve your American liberty.  If you fail to act now, it may be much more difficult to do so in the future, if these people ever accomplish their goal of censoring us.
Standing Firm until the End!
Dennis R. White
President: Yorba-Placentia CRA

Monday, March 21, 2011

Does being attractive get you an A?

By Jessica Druck
Published: March 21, 2011

Looking back on high school, I’m sure you can easily recall the popular, good-looking kids making you feel inadequate with their coiffed hair, cool clothes, piercing eyes and the use of words you thought sounded stupid but made everyone worship them (see: senior year superlatives).

You probably also recall that the popular, good-looking students proved looks got you further in life (see: insecurity problems).

Now that you’re in college, you wonder to yourself whether or not wearing cool clothes, smooth talking your way through Intro to American Studies and having impeccable hair will get you free tutoring like that cheerleader in senior year math.

Do good-looking people have it easier in school? No. Maybe in high school or the work force—you know, if you’re into standing in front of Abercrombie & Fitch with your shirt off while young girls take Polaroids with you—but not in college.

In fact, being attractive may actually deter your success, according to research done by psychologist Maria Agthe, who found you can be too good looking for your own good.

Being beautiful may cause you to lose opportunities in jobs, scholarships and maybe even promotions, depending on the gender and attractiveness of your evaluator.

Her research showed that attractive women were more closely evaluated by the same sex, which sometimes led to negative ratings even if they were extremely qualified.

The same went for men, but when attractive women and men were evaluated by the opposite sex, their approval ratings were higher.

She concluded that working in an environment where someone is qualified, intelligent and better looking made others who were less attractive feel inadequate, making some employers turn away applicants.

This study just gave me terrible flashbacks of high school. How many times did I not want cheerleader Christy on my dodgeball team (knowing all the boys would aim the ball at me and everyone else but not her because God forbid the girl in tiny shorts with hair bouncing about got out)?

An argument against this is a study performed by Michael T. French of the University of Miami, who researched high school students saying attractiveness, personality and grooming affected GPA in grades k through eight, as well as college.

If students took care of themselves—groomed, dressed well and had upbeat personalities—the study showed attractive people eventually got paid more. But why?

Well, he proved that throughout years of education, those who took care of themselves and presented themselves in a more put-together manner than those who didn’t got more rewarding feedback and attention from teachers, making them more confident when they applied their education to the workforce.

So does this study mean if you stop showing up to class in sweats, put on mascara or spray on some Axe, you’ll get rewarding attention from your teacher, eventually resulting in higher pay?

I show up to school put-together; I’m not calling myself Cindy Crawford, but I brush my teeth, I don’t have dirt on my face and I’d like to think I look like a normal, functioning member of society.

But I have yet to receive special attention or have it easier than someone who may be considered more or less attractive. The only special attention I’ve seen attractive students receive is unnecessary gawking from other students like me who drift into a dreamlike coma about the guy next to me who’s as beautiful as Ryan Gosling.

Dressing well, taking care of yourself and presenting yourself maturely does result in feeling more confident, but it won’t change an F to an A.

Maybe it will help you in the long run like French’s study concludes but then again, you might be screwed if your evaluator is the same sex and you’re too good looking.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Muslim Extremism vs GOP Extremism: Who is Right?

By now many Fullerton residents have seen the video put together by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) which shows among others, Congressman Ed Royce and Villa Park Council member Deborah Pauly. 

The video shows portions of Pauly and Royce's speeches and is mixed with images of women and children entering the Yorba Linda Community Center against a backdrop of angry protesters. 

The video does not distinguish between the rally attended by the public officials and the small group of obnoxious protesters near the center.  The video also excludes the fact that the keynote speakers, the driving reason for the rally in the first place, have long been closely associated with terror groups. 

First, CAIR is the public relations front of Hamas, a terrorist group in Israel.

So when the Voice of OC, a public relations front and media machine for the Orange County Employee's Association stated that "At least one major Muslim advocacy group has demanded that Orange County's Republican party's condemn the protest and comments from elected officials who were present" and that same "advocacy group" is CAIR, you begin to understand the nature of the debate.

Pauly admits her statements at the rally were too general and unfairly painted all Muslims with the same broad brush. 

The Fullerton Sentinel would like to point out an obvious fact: Nearly ALL of the religious violence committed on earth is done so at the hands of Muslims attempting to rid the world of "infidels."

If CAIR or any other Muslim group would like to change that simple fact, convince your Imams that violence brings about violence, not peace.  And in order to change the way the West views Muslims, Muslims must change from within.  Does Islam have the capacity to accept peace?  Watch this video and decide.

The Yorba Linda rally is a good example of people freely meeting and expressing their views.  Unfortunately, a small group of people, CAIR and the protesters at the entrance to the center, have successfully focused attention away from those keynote speakers who support terrorism. 

Fullerton residents have the capacity to understand that fanaticism in any form is usually bad.  Residents also have the capacity to view the CAIR video with suspicious eyes. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Modern Romance

by Jessica Druck

When I say the term "modern romance" it sounds like some innovative new way of loving each other, right? Innovative in an energy-efficient-car, Peter Frampton introducing that talk box guitar sound, sort of way; too bad it's not.

Too bad it’s what our society has become: a lazy and frightened generation that likes to hide behind text messages and online profiles making us lose our ability to really communicate.

I remember the days before text messaging when most guys called to talk or ask you to … well, I would have been 13, so that meant asking me to come over after school, watch MTV Beach House and sip on Capri Suns while his mom hovered and watched Oprah on her mini TV in the kitchen. Ah, young love.

Romance was lost somewhere between MySpace and iPhones. We live in an instant gratification society that has made us emotionally shallow at times.

With emailing, texting and social networking, we’re lucky to be able to keep in touch so easily but we’re also kind of at risk of losing touch with each other.

Our generation has become so interpersonal that we can’t even talk to each other during phone sex, we sext. See my point people? Is it that bad to communicate?
So what is romance anymore, liking someone's status update and sending them electronic flowers? Of course, sending sweet nothings using our wonderful technology is fun and convenient--I am not going to totally knock it--but it diminishes what’s really important: getting to know each other.

What do we really know about each other anymore, what we all like and are fans of on Facebook? We practically know everything about a person before dating them anyway thanks to social networks. What fun is that? What do you talk about when you go to dinner, how many sugar packets are on the table?

I find it so refreshing when I meet someone who isn’t into Facebook or Twitter. I know very few men (and by few, I can hardly count them on one hand) who value old fashioned ways and I totally commend them for it.

Texting and networking are crutches; we use them to conduct the perfect sentence to that certain someone but in reality, you don’t have a thesaurus and time to think up witty conundrums in real life when you’re with that person.

The bottom line is, if you really like someone, get offline and be with them. I’m not saying you have to go buy a box of chocolate covered strawberries (this goes both ways ladies) but "if you’re not willing to sound stupid, you don’t deserve to be in love."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

91% Increase in Water Rates


This Tuesday night, March 1st 2011, the Fullerton City Council will direct staff on the implementation of a water rate study.

Based on the proposal from the City's consultant, the new rates will be increased by 10% for 5 years then 3.5% for another 5 years amounting to a 191% increase by 2021.

The reason for the tax hike is clear. The report says, "It should be noted that the planned spending on mainline replacement over the projection period is significantly more than the City has undertaken in the past. At a cost of approximately $190 per linear foot of line the City plans to replace approximately 6 miles of mainline per year at a cost of over 6 million per year.  At this pace it would take the City 400 years to replace the entire system (which consists of approximately 420 miles of pipe)."
at the Fullerton City Council Chambers
6:30 pm on Tuesday, March 1st, 2011.
303 W. Commonwealth
Fullerton, CA 92832

MFSG's proposal spells out how exactly we got into this mess in the first place. Unfortunately, this proposal and the implementation should have been undertaken decades ago. Oddly, the proposal notes that the City could just ignore the problem (like they have been doing for so many years).

"While the capital investments have a pronounced impact on rates the projects are vitally important to ensure the continued operation of the water system.  The City could keep rates low initially by not maintaining the system but would pay a significant price later as system failures spike due to a lack of system maintenance, which would then result in increased costs and ultimately the need for even higher rate increasesProactively managing of the water system through maintenance and capital investments allows the City to keep rates stable over time."

~Managing through maintenance and capital investment.~

That is a sentence that has been long missing from Fullerton. The City council has pushed tax bonds to provide low-income housing and park facilities while ignoring the streets, sewers, and water lines. And now Fullerton taxpayers must pay the high price of municipal mismanagement. Compounding our financial civic woes is that if the proposed rate hikes were approved, the City would have to borrow heavily through bonds to cover the actual costs of replacing the aging system. 

Join me at City Hall this Tuesday at 6:30PM to tell the Fullerton City Council that higher taxes won't fix decades of mismanagement and waste.  
Thank you,
Greg Sebourn
Husband, Father, Educator, Professional Land Surveyor, and Local Activist for Limited Government. 

Hello, my name is Jessica