Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gravy Train Continues for a Consultant: Matthew Cunningham

The purpose of keeping tabs of those working on the taxpayers dime by living off of the gravy train is critical to ensure a full free transparency of our government, because our local newspapers are not doing the work as they should and the sleuthing falls on the shoulders of us here at The Fullerton Sentinel.

Recently, Friends for Fullerton's Future (FFFF) exposed Mr. Matthew Cunningham of a $30,000 contract work for the OCTA (Orange County Transportation Authority) "He's Baaaack! Matthew J. Cunningham Scores Some OCTA Gravy".

The FFFF raises serious questions about the contract: "scope of work that seems ridiculously entails reading city agendas for transportation issues and telling the OCTA who’s on city councils and going to some meetings."

It doesn't end there, we have investigated further on Mr. Cunningham and it appears that he has been making rounds by trying to get work by selling his services.

The Metropolitan Water District of Orange County General Manager, Kevin Hunt, filed his April 2011 report to the MWDOC Board of Directors on page 224 of 224 by stating that MWDOC's David Cordero met with Mr. Cunningham:

David continues providing staff support to WACO and ISDOC. He recently organized the ISDOC Quarterly Meeting which featured a presentation by Matthew Cunningham (Pacific Strategies) on social media and why it should matter to local agencies and elected officials. He also organized the recent WACO Meeting featuring ACWA Executive Director, Tim Quinn.

Now, it be interesting to find out what was the scope of THAT meeting, which COULD benefit Mr. Cunningham. Boy, if we could only be a fly on THAT wall!

ISDOC refers to Independent Special Districts of Orange County and WACO refers to Water Advisory Committee of Orange County.

It appears that some continue to find ways to stay on the gravy train at taxpayers expense, but unfortunately we must keep tabs on the likes of Mr. Cunningham, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jerbal! Way to screw over the taxpayers of OC!

    Thanks Trojan Man for sharing.


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