First, the Water Rate Study will be held at the City Yard (1580 W. Commonwealth Ave.) at 6:30PM tonight and at City Hall tomorrow morning (4/13/2011) at 7:30AM at City Hall.
Please attend the meeting, hear what City Hall has to say and be ready to offer up solutions that do not include doubling our water bill.
You can find the City’s budget at: http://www.cityoffullerton.com/depts/admin_serv/budget/budget.asp
You can find the DRAFT Water Rate Study Report at: http://www.cityoffullerton.com/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=7063
Second, the Planning Department needs your help. I will share my personal feelings about this at a later date but until then, please help. If you don’t pitch in and speak up, imagine who will…
Here is the text of the message from City Hall to YOU:
Community Partners:
The City of Fullerton is inviting residents, property owners, business owners and community groups to help select a consultant for the Downtown Core and Corridors Specific Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report. The goal of the Downtown Core and Corridors project is to develop a vision and plan to guide the future development of the City’s downtown and its major entry corridors, or streets. By creating detailed standards that are aligned with the community-based vision, the design and review process for future projects will be improved as there will be more clarity and direction for the parties involved.
Selecting the right consultant for this project is extremely important, and the City has intentionally created a process where members of the community will be involved in the decision.
In January 2011, the City of Fullerton released a Request for Qualifications for the Downtown Core and Corridors Specific Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report. Twenty consultant teams responded and submitted Statements of Qualifications. On March 30, 2011, an Evaluation Committee (consisting of 10 members of the public appointed by the City Council and 7 City staff members) identified the top three consultant teams. These three consultant teams have been invited for interviews before the Evaluation Committee and the Fullerton community.
At the community interviews, members of the Fullerton community will have the opportunity to hear presentations from the three teams. They can also interact with the consultant teams and ask them questions. Community members will also have the opportunity to fill out evaluation score cards for each team. The score cards will be used by the Evaluation Committee to select the best consultant team for the project.
Details related to the Community Interviews are provided below:Monday, April 25, 20114:00pm – 8:00pmCity of Fullerton Maintenance Services Building1580 W. Commonwealth AvenuePlease participate in this important process and invite your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers do the same by forwarding this email to them. Together we can insure that the downtown and its entry corridors get the best consultant team for this important project.
For more information, please contact:
Heather Allen, Planning Manager: heathera@ci.fullerton.ca.us or 714.738.6884
Jason Jones, Project Manager: Jason@JonesPlanningandDesign.com or 408-310-7881
Al Zelinka, Community Development Director: alz@ci.fullerton.ca.us or 714.738.3347.

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