Friday, October 31, 2014

Why you really shouldn't trust what Fullerton's police union says...

Seems like every time you bump the FPD tree, bad apples fall like poisoned rats.  Here is a reminder of the corruption within the ranks of the Fullerton Police Department, protected by their union president Barry Coffman.

(Courtesy of Friends for Fullerton's Future & Joe Sipowicz)
from December 28th, 2012

OC Register excuse for a journalist, and notorious bad-cop-story-misser, Lou Ponsi, really outdid himself today with a ridiculous “story” about all the excuses his pals on the force heard from folks who wanted to dodge a traffic citation. Real tough, hard-hitting piece there, Lou.
I wonder if Ponzi will ever tire of writing stupid fluff pieces for one of the most notorious police forces in California. I also wonder if writing salacious cop-accounts of wanton females is the best story line, given the well-documented behavior of FPD serial sex batterer Albert Rincon, whose activities were essentially known, and condoned by the department.
Anyhoo, that’s all introductory to my own version of a real human interest piece, something of which we are all too familiar, by now. And that’s the excuses doled out by the cops themselves to try to explain away their own malfeasance – crap subsequently sucked up by drones like Ponsi. Enjoy.
1. He was running.
2. He was fighting.
3. He disobeyed a legal command.
4. He was reaching for his “waistband” (whatever that is).
5. That donut was supposed to be jelly-filled.
6. We put our lives on the line every day.
7. Our belts weigh 80 pounds.
8. We die at average 53 years old.
9. We try to arrest the right guy.
10. He thought he was beating up the right guy.
11. That’s POBR covered. Can’t talk about it.
12. It was not just honking. It was excessive horning.
13. No, it’s not tax deductible, but give us your money anyway, you’ll get a decal.
14. The job stress hooked me on those pills.
15. I just set my bag of chicken on that iPad. After that I don’t know what happened.
16. I got mad at my DAR and smashed it against the wall.
17. We slammed his head against the bars as we removed the dead body.
18. Those ladies weren’t like you.
19. Just wait to see the video. You’ll change your minds. I’ve seen it 400 times.
20. There were broken bones.
21. There was only one, maybe two deeply involved.
22. He was breaking into cars.
23. He was high on PCP.
24. He was a gang banger.
25. I feared for my safety.
26. The 90 pound girl with the jack knife entered the 22 foot radius so we had to shoot her 18 times.
27. Ron Thomas was never a deputy sheriff.
28. He was just a smelly bum.
29. The free sandwiches and beers are just a small perk for an otherwise unrewarding job.
30. My second wife doesn’t understand me and my girlfriend just wants a chunk of that pension.
31. It was suicide by cop.
32. He was a terrorist.
33. It was just a bong from the evidence room. It’s not like i was going to use it or anything.
34. Once you take a guided tour of the station you’ll feel differently about everything.
35. it was really all just a misunderstanding.
36. They are either misinformed or lying.
And now, feel free to add your own.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Republican Candidate?? Are you F'ing Kidding Me?!?!

Following in the footsteps of his idol Dick Ackerman, Larry's nose continues to grow with tall tales and delusions of grandeur.  His latest little white lie is kind of big for Republicans.  You see Larry sent a message to Fullerton Republicans in which he claims to be "The Republican Candidate" which sounds a lot like a guy trying to claim an endorsement he could not get.

Larry asked the OC Republican Party, damn near begging them, for an endorsement.  No one would make the motion.  Not one Republican in the Orange County Central Committee would stand up and make a motion to endorse Larry.  Not one.  In fact Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson reportedly stood up at the meeting and recommended against any endorsement.

On the other hand, Sean Paden did receive a nomination and second.  He was supported by at least half of the Central Committee (OCGOP) but it takes a 2/3 vote of support to win the GOP endorsement.

In fact, there are 7 candidates running, two of which are not Republicans.  Larry is a member of the Party just like Bill Chaffee, Rick Alvarez, Greg Sebourn, and Sean Paden.  The only candidate to win the Republican Party endorsement was Sebourn.

Recently it has come to light that Bennett, the Ackerman Candidate, is working a police union slate with Democrat Doug Chaffee.  The self-proclaimed and anointed Republican is a union hack and Democrat supporter!

For Fullerton's Christian right-wing this will certainly be the last straw.  After being duped by the likes of current councilwoman Jennifer Fitzgerald two years ago and her constant support of the Democratic-led council, the BS meter is sufficiently pegged.

Larry Bennett:

  • Not endorsed by the Republican Party
  • Endorsed by the Fullerton Police Union
  • Working with Democrat Doug Chaffee
  • Ran the failed Recall No campaign 
  • Endorsed by the same dipsticks you recalled in 2012
  • Supported keeping the illegal water tax and $6-million in illegal revenue
  • Supports high-density housing
  • Supports Fullerton's Folly, a $140-million trolley down Commonwealth

 NO MORE REPUGLICANS - ONE IS ENOUGH!  Vote for anyone but Larry.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ackerman Pulls Liberal Democrat's Wool Over Republican Party

Dick Ackerman, aka "Tricky Dicky",  vouched for the leftist Democrat Doug Chaffee at a recent fundraiser for Doug that was hosted by Renick Cadillac (James & Leonard Renick) .  Now Orange County Republicans are re-thinking the motives behind the heir-apparent chair of the OCGOP.

Ackerman, a career politician and member of the GOP's old guard, took some time off from helping his party so he could pinch hit for the Democrats on behalf of Fullerton's leftist mayor.

This image is worth a thousand words...but I'll spare you.
From left: Allyn Lean, Dick Ackerman, Mrs. Dick Ackerman, Doug Chaffee, Mrs. Doug Chaffe
~One Big Happy Family~
Maybe when current OCGOP chair Scott Baugh steps down the above image will be mounted on poster board for the Republican Central Committee.  They should know who the traitors are within their party.

As you might recall (pun intended), crony-capitalist Ackerman was the puppet master of Larry Bennett (currently running on a slate with Chaffee) who chaired the doomed RECALL NO campaign in 2012.  Ackerman has been known as the Fullerton King-Maker after giving us the dipsticks mentioned in the previous post- Don "I'm Just Resting My Eyes" Bankhead, Dick "Don't Step On Your Weeny" Jones, and Pat "Pat Down Pat" McKinley.  Ackerman was also the lobbyist behind the OC Fair Grounds land grab and the former taxpayer funded ($11.5-mill) RDA monstrosity of Saint Anton Partners on Santa Fe.  Its purported he was "let go" from the law firm shortly after these lobbying efforts came to light.

The next time you are in the market for a Cadillac or Subaru, you might want to think about whose pocket you are lining.

Hello, my name is Jessica

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