There are 2 items on the agenda that should be a drop-kick to your head and your pocket book.
Items 5 and 6 are affordable housing money pits funded by taxpayers. They're also completely unnecessary.
There was a time when Fullerton's Redevelopment Agency was obligated by state law to allocate funding for affordable housing but not so anymore with new state law. These un-affordable housing projects are being pushed to spite you, the taxpayer.
These collectively bad RDA ideas will cost you $60 million.
Taxpayers and voters need to shut the door on these quasi-redevelopment projects that have no place in Fullerton or our taxes.
Close the door on redevelopment boondoggles forever with a vote to recall Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley.
Show up at tonight's meeting and tell them to hit the road with their bag of RDA tricks and schemes.